3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 11

In The Series Of The Children's Heroes," Edited By John

Lang (T. O. and E. C. Sack, Is. 6d. net per vol.), we have The Story of Sir Francis Drake, by Mrs. Oliver Elton, and The Story of Lord Roberts, by Edmund Francis Seller. Both......

Adventures Its The Great Deserts. By H. W. G. Hyrst.

(Seeley and Co. 5s.)—Mr. Hyrst rightly begins his desert eteries of twenty-four travellers and explorers with the adventures of that James Bruce who, a hundred years ago, was......

The Romance Of Plant Life. By G. F. Scott Elliot.

(Seeley and Co. 5s.)—Apparently there is no end to the astonishing facts that we have yet to learn about plants. Pouchet's "Universe" told us many marvels about birds and beasts......

C Urkent Literature.

ON THE RELATION OF FERTILITY IN MAN TO SOOIAL STATUS. On the Relation of Fertility in Man to Social Status, By David Heron. "Drapers' Company Research Memoirs." (Dulau and Co.......

The Life - Story 0/a Foz. By J. G. Tregarthen. (a. And

C. Black. 6s. net.)—This is one of the series of "Animal Autobiographies." It is an excellent story and well illustrated. The "Fox" begins at the beginning, his cubhood. It......

Adventures On The Great Rivers. By Richard Stead. (seeley...

Co. 5s.)—The sporting vies with the exploring element in these varied and exciting chapters, though on the whole the more serious side predominates. The variety attending river......

The Orange Fairy - Book. Edited By Andrew Lang. (longmans...

6s.)—That fairy-tales have a strong family resemblance all of us know. Mr. Lang suggests a cause in the universal prevalence of slavery in early times. "The slave trade," he......