3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 32

National Training. [to The Editor. Of The "spectator:1

SIR,—I should be much pleased if "H. J. B.," whose letter appeared in your issue of October 13th, would communicate with me.—I am, Sir, &c., C. H. JONES, Captain commanding......


CARMEN AUTUMNALE. SUMMER is gone, and faded all the roses; Swept by the wind and beaten by the rain-storms, Dead lie the fruits and flowers of the garden. Autumn has conquered.......


[To vas EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") STR,—With reference to your correspondent "G. H. M.'s" letter in your last issue containing the story of Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary and......

Macaulay's Oratory.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—There seems to be much difference of opinion as to the merits of Macaulay's oratorical style. Mr. Whitty, whose book you reviewed last......

A Winchester Boy In The Eighteenth Century.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR." SIR,—I think that the following letter from a Winchester scholar early in the eighteenth century may interest many of your readers, both......


THE HOHENLOHE MEMOIRS:I. [FIRST NOTICE.] THE Hohenlohe Memoirs are the disjecta membra of an autobiography which the subject of it never lived to write, and however much they......


LTO THE EDITOR Or Tug SPECTATOR:] SIR,—May one enter a protest in your columns against the increasing use of this ridiculous word in the daily Press Unless the mould in which......