3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 18

In The Commons On Monday Mr. Bittell Was Severely Cross-

examined at question time in regard to rifle practice in public elementary schools. He explained that, in view of the strong representations of the county authority and local......

In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Sir Samuel Scott

asked Mr. Haldane whether he could state if it was intended to compel Volunteer battalions willing to train for fifteen days to train only for seven days. Mr. Haldane postponed......

The Question Of Our National Policy Towards Wireless...

been much discuseed . in the Press of late, while the Berlin Conference is still sitting. Roughly speaking, thete are two main views on the subject. One school . holds that the......

It Is With The Deepest Regret That We Note That

when Mr. Austen Chamberlain speaks at Canterbury (we Write on Friday before the meeting) Mr. H. H. Marks is to occupy a place on the platform, and is also to address the......

The Education Bill Has Been In Committee Of The House

of Lords during the whole week. We have dealt elsewhere with the establishment of " Cowper-Templeism" as the essential groundwork of religious instruction in our schools. This......

Later On, The Bishop Of Hereford Moved An Amend- Ment

providing that where, in any rural parish in which there is only one elementary school, the parents of a reasonable number of children demand special facilities for religious......

We Have Shown Elsewhere How Superficial Is The View That

the art of rifle-shooting is hot useful as a means of physical training. As a matter of fact, though not hard athletic exercise, it affords the most excellent training to the......