3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 38

The Unified Gospel. By Francis E. Powell. (henry J. Deane.

3s. 6d. net.)-We should be sorry to let a book that must have cost its author an immense amount of labour pass without notice. Nor have we any doubt that, as Archdeacon Wilson......

Book Prices Current, 1906. (elliot Stock. 27s. 6d....

year of bookselling (reckoned from October to June) was, we are told, a busy one, though few books of great importance-as importance is reckoned in this matter-were brought......

Primitive And Mediaeval Japanese Texts. Transliterated...

Notes, and Glossaries, by Frederick Victor Dickins. With a Volume of Translations. (Clarendon Press. 12s. 6d. net per vol., or 21s. net for the two.)-The intro- duction supplies......

In The Series Of "early Church Classics" (s.p.c.k., 2s.) We

have the second and concluding volume of The Shepherd of Hermes, by the Rev. C. Taylor, D.D. It contains the "Simili- tudes," with an interesting appendix on Hermas's references......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not beefs reserved for review in other forms.] A Register of the Members of St. Mary Magdalen College„ Oxford. Vol.......

The Social Ideals Of Alfred Tennyson. By William Clark...

41.M. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s. 6d. net.)-After a preliminary chapter on "Literature as a Means of Social Expression," Mr. Gordon proceeds to analyse very carefully the references......

A Manual Of Theology. By Joseph Agar Beet, D.d. (hodder

and Stoughton. 10s. 6d.)-Dr. Beet's volume puts much into a comparatively small compass. His position may be defined as that of the liberal orthodox. He will not accept the......

Descriptive Catalogue Of Derbyshire Charlet% Compiled By...

(Bemrose and Sons. 42s. net.)-Mr. Jeayes has done this work for Sir H. H. Bemrose. Sir Henry has a large collection of his own; when it was known that they were to be......