3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 29

Colonisation By Women: An Imperial Question.

[To THR EDITOR 07 TER " seacrAron."] Sin,—In the October number of the Canadian Magazine the statement is made that out of the 121,000 immigrants who have come into Canada......

The Education Bill.

[To MI EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR.] Si,—Some of us regret the decision of the Government to reject Lord Heneage's amendment to secure some religious teaching in all elementary......

Letters To The Editor.

WANTED, A NEW PARTY. ITO TR It EDITOR or TIM -sescrxrea.1 SIR,—The question raised by "Constitutionalist" in tho Spectator of October 27th is of supreme importance to Unionist......

Prayer-book Revision—whose Business

• IS IT ? [To TER EDITOR Or TRU " &ROTATOR:1 Sin,—So long as the principles of representative government are but dimly understood ; so long as the people as a whole accept the......