3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 12

The Dead Heart Of Australia.

account of a journey, round Lake Eyre in the summer of 1901-2, with some description of the Lake Eyre basin and the flowing wells of Central Australia. The primary objects of......

The Music Of The Spheres.

History of the Planetary Systems from Tholes to Kepler. By J. L. E. Dreyer. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d. net.)— The average man knows that Copernicus, something less......

C Urkent Literature.

ON THE RELATION OF FERTILITY IN MAN TO SOOIAL STATUS. On the Relation of Fertility in Man to Social Status, By David Heron. "Drapers' Company Research Memoirs." (Dulau and Co.......

The Zoological Society.

The Zoological Society of London: a Sketch of its Foundation and Development. By Henry Scherren, F.Z.S. (Cassell and Co. 30s. net.)—In writing the history of the Zoological......

The Heredity Of Talent.

Noteworthy Families. By Francis Galton and Edgar Schuster, (J. Murray. 6s. net.)—Dr. Francis Galton's researches into the laws which govern the heredity of human ability have......