3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 9

The Romance Of Polar Exploration. By C. Frith Scott. (c.

Arthur Pearson. 5s.)—It is necessary, in judging of this book, to bear in mind the inexorability of the limits of space. Mr. Scott very properly includes Antarctic voyaging in......

The Romance Of Missionary Heroism. By J. C. Lambert. (seeley

and Co. 5s.)—Possibly some readers may say that there is more of adventure and the strenuous life than romance in the story of famous missionaries. It is, however, the......

The Girl's Own Annual. (r.t.s. 8s.)—this Annual Maintains...

and the proportion of fiction to miscellaneous literature is now less than it was. Indeed, the variety and scope of some of the papers must make the Girl's 0,wn entertaining to......

Animal Arts And Crafts.*

Tan industry and patient ingenuity of insects must be a never-ceasing source of wonder to all thoughtful people, and we should be more grateful than we are to those painstaking......

Under One Standard. By H. Louisa Bedford. (s.p.c.k. 2s.)...

is a story of New Zealand as it was half-a-century ago, when the Maori troubles were somewhat acute. The great per- sonality of Bishop Selwyn is introduced with good effect, and......

Of Annual Volumes Of Magazines For Young Children We Have

received sundry old friends, so well established in public favour that it is needless to say much in their praise. The Rosebud Annual (James Clarke and Co., 3s. and 4s.) seems......

The Girls' Realm Annual. (s. H. Bousfield And Co. 8s.)—

We can honestly say that there is not a dull page in this annual, for we see an illustration wherever we open the volume, and the actual number of "cuts," drawings, and......

The Boy's Own Annual. (r.t.s. 8s.)—this Year's Issue Of The

Boy's Own is as handsome and attractive as ever, and even more remarkable than usual for the variety and excellence of the drawings and plates. The wealth of comic " cuts " is......