3 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 9

Of annual volumes of magazines for young children we have

received sundry old friends, so well established in public favour that it is needless to say much in their praise. The Rosebud Annual (James Clarke and Co., 3s. and 4s.) seems to make a speciality of comic animals. Tho coloured frontispiece by Mr. Harry B. Neilson, with the British Lion profusely adorned with the Union Jack, and other figures of fun, is an excellent speci- men. The Child's Own Magazine (S.S.U., is.) is of more serious tone; so is Our Little Dots (R.T.S., 1s. 61.), with its "pretty pictures and stories for boys and girls." The Cottager and Artisan (same publishers, Is. 6d.) is intended for older readers. The goodness of the illustrations is, as usual, a feature in all.