3 NOVEMBER 1906, page 37


THE LADY ON THE DRAWING - ROOM FLOOR.* THERE is an elusive quality about the work of Miss Coleridge which hardly admits of being tested by the rough-and-ready methods of the......

C Ctrrent Lite Rat Ure.

A CHILD'S STORY-BOOK. Polk Tales from Tibet. Collected and Translated by Captain W. F. O'Connor, C.I.E. Worst and Blackett. 6s. net.)—From out of the secret recesses of Asia,......

With Lord Methuen In South Africa.

With Lord Methuen in South Africa. By W. S. Gaskell, (H. 3. Drane. 6s.)—We do not know that there is anything' particularly striking or novel in Mr. G-askell's notes on the war......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not beefs reserved for review in other forms.] A Register of the Members of St. Mary Magdalen College„ Oxford. Vol.......

A Happy Marriage. By Ada Cambridge. (hurst And Blackett....

Ada Cambridge" would have been well advised if she had given her readers some sort of notice that the scene of her novel was laid in Australia. As it is, the book thoroughly......

A Lady Of Rome. By F. Marion Crawford. (macmillan And

Co. 6s.)—Mr. Marion Crawford has done his best to make his theme—an account of a roman a trois—inoffensive to English readers. The struggle which the heroine, Maria di Montalto,......

The Heir. By Sydney Grier. (w. Blackwood And Sons. 6s.)—

Those readers who will rejoice to think that Mr. Grier has returned to his romances of South-Eastern Europe will be more than a little disappointed to find that after about six......