3 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 9

The Boy's Own Annual. (R.T.S. 8s.)—This year's issue of the

Boy's Own is as handsome and attractive as ever, and even more remarkable than usual for the variety and excellence of the drawings and plates. The wealth of comic " cuts " is noticeable, yet there is no vulgarity in them. Very gorgeous and most interest- ing are the series of public-school, Yeomanry, and county cricket badges. Various classes of fiction are well represented in "A Tale of the Last Plantagenets," "The Adventures of Four Boys in Labrador," "Roving Royston," a story of present-day adventure in England, and, of course, a story of Arctic adventure from the pen of a very old friend, Dr. Gordon Stables, entitled "The Voyage of the 'Blue Vega.'" Nor does this exhaust the list. Then there are many miscellaneous short stories and sketches; articles on naval subjects ; talks with a barrister, not unconnected with birds' eggs, fishing, and the law of trespass ; bird chats; and designs and instructions for making airships and other things apparently within the reach of the handy boy. There is perhaps less of this than there used to be, and more of the cricket and football talks, unavoidable, vie suppose, but nevertheless to be deprecated. It is always a pleasure to recommend such a thoroughly entertaining and wholesome volume as the Boy's Own Annual, and its range enables it to cater for all sorts and condi- tions of boys.