3 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 38

The Unified Gospel. By Francis E. Powell. (Henry J. Deane.

3s. 6d. net.)-We should be sorry to let a book that must have cost its author an immense amount of labour pass without notice. Nor have we any doubt that, as Archdeacon Wilson says, it will be "a real help to students." But it is impossible not to see that it is a harmony of things that are not altogether harmonious. There is, for instance, the story of the healing of a blind man near Jericho. Were there two incidents, or was there but one ? Did this one occur on the way into Jericho or on the way out ? On p. 251 we have "The Cry of Blind Bartimaeus " ; on pp. 253-54 the two possible incidents are mixed up together.