3 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 32



SIR,—I think that the following letter from a Winchester scholar early in the eighteenth century may interest many of your readers, both Wykehamists and others. I found it between the leaves of an old folio Prayer-book of 1662. It is addressed "To the Reverend Mr. Woodforde, att Epsome, Surry, by way of London, These," and the post-mark is Winchester. Mr. Herbert Chitty, secretary to the Governing Body, kindly gives me the following information about the writer of the letter. John Woodforde was nine years old at Michaelmas, 1713, and in the following July he obtained fifth place on the roll for Winchester College. At the date of his letter he was in the middle division of Fifth Book, as may be seen from the school "Long Roll" of 1721. His father must have been a hard-hearted man if he allowed the false quantity in mater to defeat the appeal on behalf of an empty pocket. Alas! it is written that on April 19th, 1723, John Wood- forde (with another scholar named Robert Pescod) was removed, " quod Dominum Hostiarium graviter percusserunt, adeo ut grave scandalum dicto Collegio generabatur." It is recorded also that Dr. Cheyney, the Head-Master, was away at the time, " propter variolas absens," and it would seem that the Second Master, Christopher Eyre, Hostiarius, was not equal to the situation. John Woodforde went to Wadham College, Oxford, and was afterwards rector of North Curry, Somerset. His father was the Rev. Heighes Woodforde, vicar of Epsom, and his grandfather was the Rev. Samuel Woodforde, D.D., a Prebendary of Winchester, who died in 1700. I may add that I have given the original letter to Winchester College.—I am, Sir, &c., " Anno Domini 1721. Winton. Undecimo Die Novem : Hormaernisims Domnas.—Vestris mandatis tandem assetitire mihi videor, lieet mea imbecillitas ab opere deterreat, si officium meum non et earn et istum malum pudorem (qui linguam quasi quadim eaten& adhue coereuit) exsuperasset. Non, ut brevitate ignoscas, oro quiesove, de culpis quibus ut quam plurimum sestet, ita quam maxima veritus sum, sed ut Paupertas maximum incitamentum, versfficatorem quidem, nullo modo oratorem, mo vult, ita, ut incipiam, desinam.


Ad to, chare Pater, gressu timet ire licenti Nota, referre levee, nest= Thalia, modes. Admit, Phoebe favens, votisque assuesce vocari, Tu soltun promis carmine digna Jove. Tu vitam serva, venias opiferque per orbem, Et merit° tante nomine dignus ens. His colat ingenti redeuntia secula lustre,

Et redeant anni, quot mea vote, novi.

Et tu, chant Mater.5 sis dignum pignus among, Vestris auspiciis vita beata mea est. Ordine quid referam Fratres chaneque Sorores, lino cranes charos online mente gero. Nulla litura tuos violabit, Epistola, luaus, Deleat et maculas tuis litura tuns. Jam nunc inversum coutristat Aquarius annum, Jam fruges desunt arboribusque comm. Arboribus similis sit nunc Wickhamica pubes, Non gravis eat Loculus, non gravis 2Ere mantis. Chare Pater, mittit, quam mallet forte, salutem, Quum tacet, haul mallet mittere digna patre.

—Tuns filius officiosissimus JOHANNES WOODFORDE."