3 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 31



STR,—With reference to your correspondent "G. H. M.'s" letter in your last issue containing the story of Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary and his amanuensis, it may interest some of Your readers to know that this story is to be found in "Anecdotes of the English Language," by Samuel Pegge, F.S.A. (pp. 242-43), published in 1814, the only variation being that Dr. Adam Littleton, the well-known grammarian and philologist, is substituted for Ainsworth. Mr. Pegge also adds that the word " condog " was inserted and is actually printed as one interpretation of " concurro" in the first edition, 1678 (to be seen in the British Museum), though it has been expunged, and does not appear in subsequent editions.—I am,