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It may prove that the great event of the week

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has been General Roberts's proclamation to the Afghans. In this docu- ment, badly reported by Reuter, and not published by the India Office, the General, "by order of the vi...

General Hughes is not in a good position. A correspondent

The Spectator

of the Times left him on the 21st tilt ; at Tazi, thirty miles from Khelat-i-Ghilzai, on the road to Ghuzni, expecting an attack from. the Tarikis, a sub-clan of the Ghilzais....

The Liberal demonstration at Manchester yesterday week and on Saturday

The Spectator

was hold by one even of the newspapers which strongly support the Government, to indicate more enthusiasm than that which the Conservatives had got up there in the pre- vious...

Mr. Bright's speech on Saturday was hardly up to his

The Spectator

highest level. Full alike of eloquence and of conviction, it was in passages, for the speech of a passed Cabinet Minister, too violent and undiscriminating. When Lord Hartington...


The Spectator

Fevening appeared a proclamation the Gazette of Wednesday farther proroguing Parliament from November lot, to which it was prorogued in August, to Friday, December 19th, and...

The Editors cannot undertaketo retwrnManuscript in any case.

The Spectator

In his first speech Lord Hartington followed Lord Salisbury carefully

The Spectator

over the track of his apology for the foreign policy of the Government, meeting him in a fashion of which we have given our readers sonic account in another page ; and he summed...

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And at the same meeting, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, though more

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prudent about Free-trade, was at least as violent in his Toryism as Mr. Bright was in his Liberalism, when dealing with the subject of the Irish land. "When Mr. Bright," said....

The reply to the Liberal demonstration at Manchester, on Friday

The Spectator

and Saturday, was a Conservative demonstration at Birmingham on Saturday and Monday, the grandees of which were Mr. Chaplin, M.P., and the Colonial Secretary, Sir Michael...

Barns and his wife,sthe defendant's in the Tranteere baby– farming

The Spectator

case, have been sentenced to penal servitude for life. We do not see why they were not sentenced to death, even if the penalty had been afterwards commuted. There can hardly be...

A. Rosenberg, the publisher of Town Talk, was on Monday

The Spectator

sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment for hie libel on Mrs. Langtry, Rix months for that on Mrs. Cornwallis West,. and six months for one on Lord Londesborough, who was...

Mr. Leathara delivered on Tuesday, at Huddersfield, a very long,

The Spectator

very amusing, and exceedingly bitter speech. He gave the Government no quarter, declaring that it was "the flogger of the soldier, the surrenderer of the slave, and the...

That Mr. Bright is right as to the necessity of

The Spectator

further deal- ings with the land question, nothing can show better than the unimpeachable evidence referred to by Mr. Lefevre, in his short letter to last Saturday's Timm—the...

Lord Carington's speech at Wycombe on Tuesday shows that the

The Spectator

Land-laws cannot much longer be kept up. Lord . Carington is not a political Peer, has belonged rather to the "party of pleasure" among the aristocracy ; but he made a most...

A great many statements have been circulated this week about

The Spectator

coming trouble in the Transvaal, but too much importance should not be given to the reports of Boer disaffection. A section of the Dutchmen in the Transvaal are undoubtedly...

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Lord Justice Bramwell has written an elaborate letter to Mr.

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Henry Crompton exposing the fallacy of the idea that dimin- ished production would increase wages. And of oourse be finds it a very easy fallacy to expose. But does any one hold...

At the Winchester Diocesan Conference on -Wednesday, Lord Carnarvou, in

The Spectator

proposing a resolution that it was desirable to promote by every means at our disposal the efficiency of preach- ing in the Established Church, commented on the history of the...

Sir Henry James addressed his constituents at Taunton on 'Tuesday,

The Spectator

in one of his most graceful, and also most powerful, speeches,—a speech at once mellifluous and keen, at once persuasive and aggressive. He showed that the Government Allege...

We regret to notice the death of Mr. John Blackwood,

The Spectator

senior partner in the publishing house, and for thirty-three years editor of Blaawood's Magazine. Though not himself a man of literature, Mr. Blackwood had a fine sense of what...

Sir John Holker is a curious contrast to Sir Henry

The Spectator

James in the manner as well as in the matter of his oratory. A. lawyer of undoubted ability, and one of that class of Conservatives who have a sort of pleasure in brow-beating...

The Times' correspondent in Parie published on Wednesday a long

The Spectator

and rather hysterical prophecy as to a coining change in the French Ministry. He believes M. Waddington and the Cabinet about to fall, for no reason but that they have held...

Consols were oa Friday 97/ to 97f.

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LORD HARTINGTON'S SPEECHES. L ORD HARTINGTON'S speeches at Manchester, like most of his recent speeches, were of a kind to show that how- ever " moderate " his Liberalism may...

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I T is high time that the attention of the public, and if possible of statesmen, shouldbe called to an evil which, i though in part accidental, is also n part the result of...

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AFL FAWCETT must, we think, have felt qualms about his 111. speech at Hackney on Tuesday, when he read the animated panegyric pronounced on it the next evening, in that journal,...

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LORD SALISBURY AND FRANCE . T HERE is one feature in Lord

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Salisbury's foreign policy which deserves a great deal more discussion than it ever receives, and that is the relation he is maintaining towards France. Has he, or has he not,...

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Bishop of Peterborough which we print to-day makes his position on the Vestment ques- tion quite clear, so far as his correction goes. He ex- pressed, it seems, no opinion in...


The Spectator

T HE latest proclamation of General Roberts, although the Viceroy has not taken the trouble to forward it directly to England, marks another forward step in the relation of...

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The Spectator

1 N the November number of Fraser's Magazine will be found an interesting fable or dream of Mr. Fronde's, the purpOse of which is to convey some conception of Mr. Froude's ideal...

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THE ATTRACTION enp GOSSIP. T HE true puzzle for observers . in

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all cases like that of "Langtry v. Rosenberg" is why Englishmen are so attracted by gossip about known names, that it pays to run the very serious risks involved in the law of...

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The Spectator

I T is now a considerable number of years since the Poultry mania first seized upon England, and spread itself like wildfire, not merely amongst those who had plenty of money to...

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The Spectator

MINISTERIAL BOASTS. (TO THE EDT TOR OF THE ' , SPECTATOR.") Sia,—The orators of the Government—especially Lord Salis- bury and Sir M. Hicks-Beach—have been loudly boasting that...


The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR OF THU "SPECTATOR.') Sin,—Permit me to correct one word only in the report of my observations on the Ornaments Rubric which you quote in this day's Spectator. It...

%a ERRATUL—In the article on "Justice," which appeared in the

The Spectator

last number of the Spectator, and in the part pf it referring to The Merchant of Venice and the treatment of the Jews by the Christians, on p. 1345, 2nd col., line 22, for...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOEn SIE,—In your somewhat one-sided and. inappreciative review of Canon Farrar's "Life of St. Paul," you as k, "What is the objective value of...


The Spectator

SIn,—The following passages are extracted from Marshal Mar- mont's well-known work, " L'Esprit de e Institutions Militaires." They will be found in the second chapter of Part...


The Spectator

STR,—May a very humble and very puzzle-pated seeker after. truth lay before the present-day Materialistic leaders of thought a difficulty that has haunted him for some time ? I...

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MR. HENRY JAMES'S TALES.* 'Time tales will increase, rather than diminish, Mr. Henry James's reputation as a student of human nature, though they are all short, and all, after...

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A HISTORY of American literature must inevitably be that unattractive thing,--a heavy collection of small matters,—heavy, not weighty ; for the historian, in dealing with so...

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"IN criticism," says the author of this curious book on a subject which he tells us is not affected by the lapse of time,. "in criticism, to w hatever it may be addressed, let...

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WE have been amused, impressed, bored, and filled with admira- tion and disappointment by Mr. George Meredith's new story. Of Sir Willoughby Patterne, the typical egoist and...

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find plenty of interesting matter in this volume of Mr. Parker's, which contains, he tells us in his preface, the substance of Cialdini's work on Mosaics. The subject is not...

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Spain in Profile. By James A. Harrison. (Houghton and Osgood

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Boston, U.S.; Trailer, London.)—We have had not a few charming books of travel from the other side of the Atlantic, during the forty years or so that have passed since Mr....


The Spectator

Sketches and Studies in Italy, By John Addington Symonds. (Smith and Elder.)—There is little need to speak of these sketches, which have been widely read and admired on their...

The Bible for Young People. By Dr. H. Oort and

The Spectator

Dr. J. Hooykaas, with the assistance of Dr- A. Kuenen. Translated from the Dutch, by Philip H. Wicksteed, M.A. (Williams and Norgate.)—This is the sixth volume of the work, and...

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A Hero of the Pen. By E. Werner. From the

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German, by Sarah Phillips. 2 vols. (S. Low and Co.)—The main interest of this story is of a distasteful kind, and though not nnfreqnently made use of by Continental novelists,...

expressive phrase, by which we have heard Irish peasants affirm

The Spectator

a certainty of recognition beyond betrayal by time. Stories which turn upon the successful concealment of an individual's identity from the knowledge of relatives and friends...

The ..Eneid of Virgil. Translated into English, by John D.

The Spectator

Long. (Lockwood, Brooks, and Co., Boston, U.S. Trebner and Co., London.) —When a translator says in his preface that his work is a pas- . time of a year, and that it is not...

The Little Princess Colonzbe. By Gina Rose. (Samuel Tinsley and

The Spectator

Co.)—The last paragraph of this harmless and readable story is a fair sample of its style and its aim :—" Sweet Colombo, looked most interesting in her pretty wedding...

The Parson o' Rumford. By George Manville Fenn. (Chapman and

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Hall.)—We had believed that the muscular parson had finally disappeared out of fiction, it is so long since he has been met with in a novel ; the old days of Marmion Savage and...

Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours : a Tale Illustrative of

The Spectator

the Eccample of Christ. By Mrs. Carey Brock. (Seeleys.)—This is one of a series of tales, no doubt all of them, like this one, excellent in their teaching. Still, we fool...

The Monomaniac of Love. A Study in the Pathology of

The Spectator

Character. (Provost and Co.)—We have taken some pains to discover the object of this book, but with limited success ; and the preface, in which the author's design is...

Selected Prose Works of G. E. Lessing. Translated - from the German,

The Spectator

by C. E. Beasley, B.A., and Helen Zitnmern. (George Boll and Son.) —This volume eomprises the " Laokoon," the essay on " How the Ancients Represented Death," and "Dramatic...