6 APRIL 1912

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The disposal of the realized surplus was the first important

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point of the Budget. Next is the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer's decision not to reduce taxation, but to leave it for the coming year at the same rate as in the year that is...

A surer ground for optimism than the increased production of

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gold mentioned by the Chancellor of the Exchequer was the great development taking place in the Argentine and South America generally, and also Canada, India, Australia, and...


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T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer opened his Budget in the House of Commons on Tuesday last. The expen- diture for last year amounted to £178,545,000. The revenue for the year...

The Chancellor of the Exchequer could only promise one decrease

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in expenditure, and that was £450,000 less outlay on our African protectorates. It will thus be seen that the now expenditure by itself eats up very nearly the whole of the...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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No doubt this announcement leaves a loophole for Parlia- ment

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in the end to use the surplus neither for the Navy nor for the reduction of debt. This, we have no hesitation in saying, would be a grave dereliction of financial duty on the...

Of the digressions which are often the most interesting things

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in a Budget speech, perhaps the most remarkable was Mr. Lloyd George's prophecy as to the prospects of a boom in trade. According to the views of his advisers and in spite of...

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On Friday week Count Khuen Hedervary, the Hungarian Premier, had

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an interview with the Emperior Francis Joseph at Vienna on the subject of the Hungarian Parliamentary crisis. There are many conflicting reports as to what happened at the...

The principal critic of the Budget on Tuesday was Mr.

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Austen Chamberlain. The chief point in his speech was his demand for an inquiry into the character of the valuations that have been made under the Land Taxes. It was, he de-...

We have not space, unfortunately, to deal with the Chancellor

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of the Exchequer's fervent attempt to show that his Land Taxes have not been a fiscal fiasco. We can only say that it was not a convincing performance. The one land tax which...

Since we wrote last Friday an extraordinary change has come

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over the crisis in the coal industry. During the week the ballot has been proceeding throughout the different areas with the result that, out of a total membership of .588,000,...

We must wait for another week before we attempt to

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estimate the results of the strike, but may point out here one or two considerations of prime importance. In the first place it is clear that the cornering of coal by the miners...

The resolution was, of course, a. piece of excessive Magyarism.

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The Emperor could not possibly abrogate the right to keep men. on with the colours at a moment of international stress. The more aggressive Magyars have long been throwing up...

Some incidents in the breakdown of the strike have been

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not a little curious. For example, the miners in the Cannock Chase coalfield cast a heavy vote at the beginning of the week against returning to work, and then, at a meeting. at...

At the same time, and though, no doubt, there has

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been in some places very acute distress, one very consoling fact has emerged : the people as a whole have evidently a good deal more put by than is usually imagined. The present...

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Last Saturday and on subsequent days some interesting and important

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experiments were carried out on the Great Western Railway with solid oil fuel. On Saturday last, for example, as we learn from the Daily Express, a train between Swindon. and...

Mr. Redmond was the chief speaker at a great Home

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Rule demonstration in Dublin on Sunday. The chief points in Mr. Redmond's speech were his appeal to Ulster and his guarded forecast of the Home Rule Bill. Though the Ulstermen...

On Wednesday Carony, one of the so-called motor bandits who

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have spread alarm throughout France, was arrested at Lozere, near Paris. A few days previously a man called Bondy, also believed to be one of the bandits, was arrested in the...

The Boat Race was rowed last Saturday in a westerly

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gale of wind, and both boats were swamped. It has never happened before that more than one boat has been swamped. Cambridge sank near Harrod's buildings, on the east aide of...

Bank Rate, 31. per cent., changed from 4 per cent.

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Fob. 8th. Consols (29) were on Thursday 78k—Friday week 78i.

Sir Almroth Wright's letter to the Times on the Suffrage

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question has caused, as it was bound to do, a great deal of controversy. Though, as we observed last week, we hold that the letter was an important one and deserving of close...

The anxiously expected news of Captain Scott has at last

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arrived. Tuesday's papers contained a long message from Akaroa, New Zealand, where the Terra Nova' arrived on Monday. Captain Scott's own report brings the record of his journey...

The return party suffered great hardships—Lieutenant Evans owing his life

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to the devotion of his comrades, Potty Officer Crean and Mr. Lashley—but ultimately reached the Terra Nova.' The Northern Party under Lieutenant Campbell had been left behind,...

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THE BUDGET. W HAT should we say of a dentist who, when he had taken out two or three teeth more than was neces- sary, boasted to the patient of his prowess, congratulated...

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right not to make their inquiry into the labour unrest, and what we may term the strike problem, too diffuse in its nature, but at the same time we hope that they will not shut...

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W E gather from the comments of some of the Italian newspapers that British public opinion is supposed to have thrown over Italy and to have decided that the Italian people are...

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I N the South Wales Daily News of March 23rd there is an article,by Mr. Rhys Bevan John,on " The 'Selfish' Welsh Miner "—ably commented on in the Economist of last...

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W E published two weeks ago a letter from the Secretary of the " Travellers' Aid Society for Girls and Women" (Head Office, 3 Baker Street, London, W.) confirming statements...

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W HEN honest Mr. Cooper had made an end of strumming in secret upon that frivolous psaltery the French lute, and out of a hidden pack of the " Devil's picture-books " must pick...

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A RIVER, more than any other natural feature of a country, has a personality of its own. Mountains can inspire a sense of personal being; trees set themselves in the mind as...

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THE LATE VICTORIA, LADY WELBY. [TO TRIO EDITOR OF TES " SDRCTATOIL.") Sit,—In Victoria, Lady Welby, one of the most remarkable women of the Victorian time has passed away....

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ITO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—In your valuable and opportune article on co-partner ship in the Spectator of March 23rd you refer to the large proportion of failures...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Having seen a letter in your issue of March 23rd attacking the luxury and extravagance of the middle class, I beg to state a few...


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[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I hope you will admit my protest against your assertion that you would not be acting justly if you failed to express " admiration for...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Though a great admirer of the temperate and manly tone which characterizes the Spectator, I should like to point out what seems to me...


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Cro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — The Revolution of 1789 offers a good many curious parallels to our present state. I venture to remind your readers of Lord Acton's...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE ",.SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, In connexion with the letters which have appeared in your paper about decoying innocent young girls to their ruin, is it not...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—In the debate on the Conciliation Bill in the House of Commons on March 28th Mr. Baker again brought forward Miss Violet Markham's...


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[To Trot EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Snr,—The miners' wages have decreased by £112,166 since 1900, according to a correspondent in the Times. These wages are regulated by the...


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[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—You may recollect that some two years ago I sent you an interesting letter from an Indian on the subject of "Sedition among the...

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[TO THE EDITOR or TRH "SPECTATOR. "] MONSIEUR,—Je lie dans le numero du 23 mars 1912 du Spectator Particle et la lettre relatifs A l'esclavage qui exists encore dans les...


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[To TUB EDITOR or THE "SFECITIT011."] Sra,—I have twice made the voyage to Buenos Aires and back, the first time travelling in vessels belonging to one of the smaller lines of...


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[To TUE EDITOR OP TIM "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—You chronicled in your article on the National Reserve last week the generous and public-spirited action of Sir Harry Waechter in...

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[To TUE EDITOR OF TIIR . 13PEOTATOR."J SIR,—The usual dimensions of

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the studs used in the erection of the wooden houses which abound in America and Austral- asia are 4 x 2, and the same is the case with wallplate.e, and these are found to be...

[To ran EDITOR OF TOR "Srsevtion."] Sin,—Referring to the letter

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on this subject in your issue of March 23rd, your correspondent is mistaken in advocating the use of Stockholm tar. I have had experience of both Stockholm and gas tar for many...


The Spectator

[TO 11111 EDITOR OF TIFIR "SPECTATOR." J Sin,—The cottage that I built as a yachting box in one of the beautiful New Zealand bays will interest some of your readers. At...


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[To TON EDITOR OF TER esrserAeos.1 SIR, — The Church has always laid great stress on the duty of Confession, but has it ever confessed its own sins P Has the odium theologicum...


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[To Tim EDITOR OF TIM " SEECTATO1G.1 SIR, —How possible it is for even the best-informed biographer to err is, I think, illustrated by the following passages on Dr. Johnson as a...

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Sin,—Many will feel indebted to your correspondent " Scot for pointing out this hardly credible cockney abomination in the " Concise Oxford (1) Dictionary," and thus saving them...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP TUE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your last issue was a letter, signed " Soot," querying whether "hurray's Dictionary" is the "High Court of Letters." May I say it...


The Spectator

EASTER SNOW.* (Written to the tune " Easter Snow " in Miss Ilonoria Galwey's Collectiott of Irish Airs.) MY jewel of the world, she sleeps so fast, She will not hear you,...


The Spectator

[TO TRH EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sia, — May I appeal to your love of accurate English agains the common use in writing, as in speaking, of the word " infinitely " as...

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—." Murray's Dictionary "—I

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do not know anything about the " Concise Oxford Dictionary "—pronounces idea quite rightly, a trissyllable with no " r." Does not " Scot" know the story of the professor and his...


The Spectator

We have received the following sums for this Fund 2 e. d. J. St. Lee 100 0 F. M. Sir Charles Brownlow, Miss Julia Wedgwood .., 10 10 Lord Midleton ••• 10 0 Sir John Wolfe...

[TO THU EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sni,—In reply to

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" Scot's " letter in the Spectator of March 30th on the above marking, I think the " Concise Oxford Diction- ary " is perfectly right. If he will look again he will see that the...

NOTICE.—When "Correspondence" or Articles are signed with the writer's name

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or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to Lein agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of...

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1300 KS.

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LECTURES ON POETRY.* PROFESSORS to-day are many and multifarious, but it is a comewhatscutious fact that ''"among the two hundred and fifty siniversities of the modern world "...

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EARLY NAVIGATION IN THE INDIAN OCEAN,* Ti-is Philadelphia Commercial Museum

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and its secretary, Mr. Wilfred Schoff, deserve to he congratulated on this result of their scheme to provide a complete history of commerce. Mr. Selloff has given us an...

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TIME'S revenges are very plainly illustrated in Mr. Bennett's book. Here is a former Radical member of Parliament exalt- ing the Turks in a manner that might have made Mr. Glad-...

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FOR some years to come the inevitable disorganization of China, her travail and perils of change, must continue to afford material for many writers and a subject of absorbing...

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we think, like him least when he takes them into polities. He may be right or wrong in his opinions—he talks, we see, of our "crimes and follies in Egypt," and he is a...


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OF the two articles on the coal strike in the Nineteenth Century the more enlightening is that of Mr. George Blake • The House of Harpor. By J. Henry Harper. London : Harper and...

AN AMERICAN PUBLISHING HOUSE.* " A THRIFTY but rather unprogressive

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provincial town of sixty thousand inhabitants" is Mr. J. H. Harper's description of New York as it was a hundred odd years ago. Thither in the year 1810 came a lad of sixteen,...

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TONY UNREGENERATE.* Miss DODGE'S study of artistic and unconventional tempera- ments in one respect marks a welcome advance on the efforts of previous explorers of this field....

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The Man who coukl not Lose. By Richard Harding Davis.

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(Duckworth and Co. 6s.)--This volume contains five short stories. "The Consul" is so good that it would make up for its a were they not so good as they really are. It is a tale...

What Diantha Did. By Charlotte Perkins Gilman. (T. Fisher Unwin.

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4s. 6d, not.)—Diantha, in the small American town of Orchardina, invents an excellent plan for solving the problem of domestic service by making all servants what would be...


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[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hang not been reserved for review in other forma,] An Easter Anthology. Collected, arranged, and edited by William...

The Diaries of Steynsham Master. Edited by Sir Richard Cameo

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Temple. 2 vols. (John Murray, for the Government of India. 12s. per voL)—This work, which belongs to the "Indian Records" Series, gives us a vivid picture of British affairs in...

The Epistles of St. Paul. The text prepared by Sir

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Edward Clarke. (Smith, Elder and Co. 2s. 6d. not.)—Sir Edward Clarke has introduced into the Authorized Version such changes from the Revised as he considers necessary to bring...

READABLE Novms.—The Singing Bens. By R. Austin Freeman. (Hodder and

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Stoughton. 2s. not.)—A collection of detective stories told in the inverse manner, that is, the reader becomes a witness of the crimes and then watches the attempts of the...

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A Handbook of Barbados. By C. G. Sinckler. (Duckworth &

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Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—This volume, published by order of the Legislature, begins with a sketch of the history of the island followed by an account of the political constitution and...

London Stories. Edited by John O'London. (T. C. and E.

The Spectator

C. Jack. Os. net.)—In this volume, to be followed up by another, we have a " Collection of the Lives and Adventures of Londoners in All Ages." By way of illustration we have a...

Peaks and Pleasant Pastures. By Claud Schuster. (The Clarendon Press.

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7s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Schuster relates mountain- eering experiences in one part of his book and he meditates and moralizes on them in another. Ho does not, indeed, keep the two...

Some excellent reading may be found with convenient help for

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a due appreciation of it in Nineteenth Century Essays, edited with Introduction and Notes by George Sampson. (Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 2a.)—In this volume, which belongs to...