19 NOVEMBER 1898, Page 1

All manner of reports are spread about the Germaa Emperor's

return, but none of them are fully authenticated. It is said that he intends to touch at Cadiz and Vigo, and it is also said that he has suddenly changed his mind, and will reach Berlin by landing at Pola, and travelling full speed through the Austrian dominions. Something, it is suggested, has gone wrong in diplomacy, and the Emperor feels his personal care is necessary, and the something, it is imagined, is the American demand for one of the Carolines, a group which Germany hoped to buy from Spain. That the German Emperor is most anxious for a pied-a-terre in the Pacific, is, we believe, true, but these reports, which are all vague, are usually misleading. Why should not the Emperor be bored by a long voyage, or impatient of the heat of the Medi- terranean, like anybody else P