19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 28

"c Is The Card That Began With A Three

And was torn into bits at the seventeenth tee." This would be a good present for an elderly relative given to the game. But it would be well to choose a good time for offering......

Chums At Last : A Tale Of School Life. By

A. Forsyth Grant. (Thomas Nelson and Sons.)—An excellent story of schoolboy rivalry. The characters are thoroughly natural, and even the "good boy" is not by any means "goody."......

In The Series Of "sir Walter Scott's Continuous Readers" (a.

and C. Black), "The Talisman" has been followed up by Quentin Durward, edited by H. W. Ord, M.A. An introduction sketches European history up to the time of the story, and......

Fifty Years In South Africa. By G. Nicholson. (w. W.

Greener.)—Mr. Nicholson, who has ventured to make this con- siderable addition to the already formidable total of literature dealing with South Africa, describes it as "some......

The "thornton Edition Of The Novels Of The Sisters Brontë,"

edited by Temple Scott (Downey and Co., 55. per vol.), is hand- some, with liberal margins, large print, and a general air of dignity. The first two volumes are occupied by Jane......

Current Literat Hire.

Original Poetry. By Victor and Cazire (Percy Bysshe Shelley and Elizabeth Shelley). Edited by Richard Garnett, C.B., LL.D. (John Lane.)—We suppose that on the whole Dr. Garnett,......

The Owl Sing, And Other Fairy Tales. By H. Escott.inman.

(F. Warne and Co.)—Mr. Escott-Inman has written some very charming fairy tales, which will be welcomed with delight by many children. All the stories are good, but we prefer......

The Sphere Of Science. By Frank Sargent Hoffman, Ph.d. (g.

P. Putnam's Sons.)—The auth3r of this volume, already favourably known by his book on "The Sphere of the State," holds the doctrine that "the chief need of our time in all......