19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 1

There Was A Noisy Debate In The French Chamber On

nday on the condition of the French Army. M. ITrbain ohier has published a book declaring that discipline is brutal ad barrack life demoralising, and the Government has rdered......

King Humbert Opened The Session Of The Italian Parlia- Ment

on Wednesday with a speech of much length and some interest. He deplored the recent disturbances, attributed them to the "exploitation of distress," and expressed a hope that he......

The Discussion In The Spanish-american Peace Commission...

it is supposed that it will be ended by Decem- ber 1st. It is really all about money. The Americans offer four millions, but the Spaniards want ten, and there is inces- sant......

It Remains Firm, However, In Insisting That The Dreyfus Case

having passed under the control of the Court of Cas- eation, that high Court shall be allowed to give ite judg- ment in freedom. The Court has this week insisted that the......

News Of The Week

T has been arranged that Major Marchand shall return to Fashoda viti the Nile, and then withdraw his force viei hyssinia and the dominions of llenelek. We cannot help egretting......

All Manner Of Reports Are Spread About The Germaa Emperor's

return, but none of them are fully authenticated. It is said that he intends to touch at Cadiz and Vigo, and it is also said that he has suddenly changed his mind, and will......

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