19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 15

Is Sickness Increasing In This Country?

ETo THZ EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOH."] Sin,—It is possible that the observations of the Times and your own (Spectator, November 12th) on the health of boys may have reference to......

The Health Of Our Boys.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I have read with great interest your article in the Spectator of November 12th on "The Health of our Boys," and I think you have......


FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. ALEXANDRIANISSI. Mac:, 4cti 7;:pfg'olToy ipL,thevom, oCr' cilsO xpiy4; Irlyer • orxxcetyrd irLiI , Tet hp4TIZ. CALLIMACHUS. THE NEW ALEXANDRIANISM.......

The Old Manor House. Set By The Pavement, Old Among

the new, Its blackened front commands a dismal view, And for itself its narrow garden lies Open to every passing lounger's eyes. They laid the sturdy old foundations here When......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:1

Srn,—We have many of us, no doubt, been struck by the article in the Spectator of November 12th dealing with the doctor's statement in the Times as to the health of the boys in......