The German And French Papers Are Greatly Interested In Mr.
Chamberlain's speeches. The German editors accept his suggestion of an understanding between their country and Great Britain without dislike, but wait for more definite offers,......
On Tuesday Mr, Chamberlain, Addressing A Mass Meeting
in the Free-Trade Hall, Manchester, declared that Peelle& was only a symbol, and that the great issue was the control of the whole Valley of the Nile. Though the question of the......
On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain Made A Third Speech At A
Liberal Unionist luncheon. The chief point of this speech was the reminder that though Home-rule is now never mentioned, it is not dead. And here Mr. Chamberlain made a very......
A Fact Little Noticed In This Country Is The Discontent
of parts of Spain with the unity of the kingdom. Castile, as the dominant province, likes that unity, and the South accepts it because of its poverty, but the North, which is......
The Discussion In The Spanish-american Peace Commission...
it is supposed that it will be ended by Decem- ber 1st. It is really all about money. The Americans offer four millions, but the Spaniards want ten, and there is inces- sant......
The Influence Of Li Hung Chang With The Empress- Dowager
of China seems to be on the wane. He was recently ordered to report upon the floods of the Yellow River, which has been drowning a few thousand persons in its usual way, and......
At A Banquet In Manchester On Wednesday, Mr. Chamber- Lain
made a second speech which was not only wise and states- manlike in spirit, but drew a most fascinating picture of our Colonial Empire. He believed, he said, in getting new......
Two Banquets Have Been Held This Week In America At
which the race-feeling was prominently expressed. The first was a banquet given in honour of General Miles, at which half the notable men of America were present. General Miles,......