19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 13

Aspects Of Mr. Gla.dstone's Life And Mind.

[To THE EDITOZ OF THE " SPECTATOR:] the very candid and suggestive article on Mr. Glad- stone in the Spectator of November 12th, you speak of his assigning to Goethe a place......

The Home For The Dying.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sts,—Rather more than a year ago the attention of your readers was, through your courtesy, drawn to one of the most beautiful and touching of......

Squirrels Feeding Sheep.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " 8PECTATOR."] Stn,—I send the enclosed on the chance that it may have escaped the notice of English readers. The chattering which is described indicates......

An Irish Channel Tunnel

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTITOR.1 ir„—You have for several years advocated the adoption of his undertaking, and the letter of Mr. Arnold-Forster in the pectator of November......