19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 27

Gwen. By Penelope Leslie. (national Society's...

Gwendolyn and Daniel, of their visit to their grandmother who lived in the country, and of their escapade when they returned to Wimbledon is pleasantly told. Dan, who has a......

Through Battle To Promotion. By Walter Wood. (j. Bowden.)...

is a smartly-written story, not unskilfully compounded of civil and military affairs. Captain Goddard is a soldier who is very keen after active service and distinction ;......

The Children Of Swift Creek. By Noel West (mrs. M.

Cox). (Wells Gardner and Co.)—Mrs. Cox returns to the subject of ranch life and the prairies. She locates the scene of her story in the Western States. Her young heroes and......

In The Yellow Sea. By Henry Frith. (griffith, Farran, And

Co )—Mr. Frith takes care to be abreast of the times. His story deals with an event so recent as the war between China and Japan. His hero is a lad who has been " plucked " at......

Under The Laburnums. By Emma Marshall. (j. Nisbet And Co.)

—When a single lady who is so little "up to date" as to write," I do not often come to London, but I suppose that I shall find a fly at the station," takes charge of a young......

Reine's Kingdom. By L. E. Tiddeman. (national Society's...

silly story. We do not believe that any lady would have been quite so foolish or so ill-bred as Miss Ferran; and we sincerely hope that no girl of seventeen was ever such a prig......

Other People's Stairs. By Isabella Loyvie Mayo. (r.t.s.)—...

people's stairs" are what a famous exile found so grievous. Morag Henderson goes through the same experience on a humble scale. Suddenly orphaned, she is thrown on the hands of......

Nic Revel. By G. Manville Fenn. (w. And R. Chambers.)-

Nic Revel is engaged in a battle-royal in defence of his father's salmon, which a band of inveterate poachers is in the habit of stealing. The band is surrounded by a frigate's......

Mayduke Blossoms. By Phcebe Allen. (s.p.c.k.)—this Story,...

Meetings," is of a pointedly didactic kind. It opens with the picture of a child of six pulling to pieces a bough of cherry-blossom with a wilfulness which her mother does not......

My Ladies Three. By Annie E. Armstrong. (f. Warne And

Co.)—The heroine of the tale is charged by her father on his deathbed to marry her guardian, whom she has never seen, and suspects to be an old man. There is a pleasant picture......

Astray In. The Forest. By Edward S. Ellis. (cassell And

Co.)— This is an episode in the lives of two American lads, who are pur- sued by wolves while skating on a river. The account of their adventures and subsequent escape is......

Tom Tufton's Toll. By E. Everett-green. (thomas Nelson...

stirring story of the eighteenth-century highway- men. The hero, who is driven to the " road " partly by the injustice of others, is well drawn, and his adventures, struggles,......

The Silver Salvors. By George Manville Fenn. (s.p.c.k.)—...

of treasure lost and found" is scarcely up to the high mark which we expect to find in Mr. Manville Penn's books. Things happen too much according to rule, not the rule of......

King Alfred's Viking : A Story Of The First English

Fleet. By Charles W. Whistler. (Thomas Nelson and Sons.)—The author of this tale has gone back to a period of our history which is not so well known as it deserves to be, and......

The Queen's Story Book. Edited, With An Introduction, By...

Laurence Gomme. (A. Constable and Co.) — In this volume Mr. Gomme has put together eight-and-twenty extracts from authors, mostly of classic repute, illustrating English history......