19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 29

Maria Theresa ; And Joseph Ii. By Rev. J. Franck

Bright, D.D. (Macmillan and Co.)—These two volumes are to be read con- secutively. They form, indeed, one monograph. Maria Theresa came to the throne in 1740; Joseph died just......

The Great K. And A. Train Robbery. By Paul Leicester

Ford. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—This is a curious story ; and if fiction is indeed a mirror of life, it gives a very strange representation of railway affairs in the......

The Philosophy Of Government. By George W. Walthew. (g. P.

Putnam's Sons.) — This is a curious and characteristically American book, suggestive of Machiavelli and of Maeterlinck, and full of the Grand Design and the National Design on......

Fifty Years In South Africa. By G. Nicholson. (w. W.

Greener.)—Mr. Nicholson, who has ventured to make this con- siderable addition to the already formidable total of literature dealing with South Africa, describes it as "some......

Licensing Practice. By 0. F. Christie. (grant Richards....

net.)—Mr. Christie gives a useful summary of the laws which regu- late the licensing of ale-houses and beer-houses,—an "ale-house," it will be understood, being the legal term......

Reflections On The Art Of War. By Brigadier-general...

Hirt, V.C. (W. Clowes and Son. 7s. 6d.)—Brigadier- General Hart's book was received with a well-deserved welcome when it first appeared. He has now considerably enlarged it,......

Messrs. James Duffy And Co., Dublin, Have Issued A New

edition of Edward Hay's History of the Irish Insurrection of 1798, " giving an authentic account of the various battles fought between the insurgents and the King's army, and a......

Old Flies In New Dresses. By Charles Edward Walker....

and Bullen. 7s. 6d.)—To be a successful angler, and especially to kill fish by methods hitherto untried, where other men have failed, is apt to raise a murmur of "Poaching......