19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 30

The Cathedral Church Of Winchester, By Philip W. Sergeant...

Bell and Sons), and The Cathedral Church of Lichfield, by A. B. Clifton (same publishers), are two volumes in "Bell's Cathe- dral Series" intended to give information, accurate,......

Pre - Reformation Worthies. By The Rev. W. Cowan. (elliot...

of whom Mr. Cowan writes are Grossetete, Bishop of Lincoln, Thomas a Kempis, Henry Suso, and Rays- brosek, Mystics of the fourteenth century, the first born at Con- stance, the......

Memorials, Journal, And Botanical Correspondence Of...

and Bowes, Cambridge. 105. 6d. net.) —This is a book which we shall describe rather than criticise. C. C. Babington belonged to a family of great antiquity, traceable to......

In Pursuit Of The Trout. By George A. B. Dewar.

(J. M. Dent and Co.) — Some of the sketches have been published before, but their reappearance together cannot fail to charm those who read this little book, which is so......

Modern Scientific Whist. By C. J. Melrose. (l. 17pcott...

This is written, Mr. Melrose tells us on his title-page, "with the view of enabling beginners to become skilful players." It is a great aim, and if Mr. Melrose accomplishes it......

Handbook Of European History, 476 - 1871. By Arthur...

and Co. 85. 6d. net.)—Of course, nothing beyond bare facts could be given when fourteen centuries had to be compressed into the compass of less than four hundred pages. But......

Barbara Blomberg. By Georg Ebers. Translated By Mary J....

(Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—We get in Ebers's Barbara Blomberg a vivid picture of Charles V.'s Court at Ratisbon, and the somewhat peculiar morality of the period,......