19 NOVEMBER 1898, page 32
Messrs. Downey And Co. Are Publishin G , In Conjunction...
Roberts, of Boston, U.S., a handsome edition (price £25) of the "Works of Honors de Balza,c," translated by Miss Katharine Prescott Wormeley. It is in forty volumes, well......
The Raid Of The Detrimental. By The Earl Of Desart.
(C. Arthur Pearson.)—This is a curious tale of the extrava g anza species. It has beams of humour in it, chiefly consistin g of plays on words, or somethin g of the kind. When......
The Temple Of Folly. By Paul Creswick. (t. Fisher Unwin.)
Mr. Creswick's story of Anthony Fairfax, the Devonshire lad who g ets mixed up with the wreckers and smu gg led tea, and finally becomes a member of the notorious " Franciscans......