19 NOVEMBER 1898, Page 27

Nic Revel. By G. Manville Fenn. (W. and R. Chambers.)-

Nic Revel is engaged in a battle-royal in defence of his father's salmon, which a band of inveterate poachers is in the habit of stealing. The band is surrounded by a frigate's crew, captured, and sent off to the Plantations. Unluckily Nio, who has received a disabling blow, is among them, and finds himself virtually a slave. Among his fellow-captives he has a bitter enemy and a steadfast friend. Out of these materials Mr. Fenn has constructed a striking story. Nic and his loyal comrade make an attempt at escape, and after hairbreadth escapes from savage dogs, crocodiles, and other enemies, human and brute, find their way home. This is an excellent piece of work ; no one who has began Nic Revel will fail to finish it.