19 NOVEMBER 1898, Page 1

There was a noisy debate in the French Chamber on

nday on the condition of the French Army. M. ITrbain ohier has published a book declaring that discipline is brutal ad barrack life demoralising, and the Government has rdered the book to be prosecuted. M. Fourniere asked 1237, as the book had been published in a series of articles hich were not prosecuted, and unluckily named Zola. This roduced a scene of disorder, amidst which blows were ex- hanged, and M. Dupuy could hardly obtain a hearing. He ead, however, some "strong" passages from the book, and eclared that it was on his conscience to prosecute it. Then hy, asked his opponents, not prosecute those who insult the ourt of Cassation? To which there is, of course, no reply.

o vote was taken, or asked for, and the incident is only im- ortant as illustrating the height to which the conflict • tween civil and military feeling has risen, and indicating hat the present Ministry is anxious to conciliate the Army.