The Unelu2rted Island. By Skelton Kuppord. (Thomas Nelson and Sons.)—Mr.
Kuppord has produced a very fascinating "treasure" romance. This treasure belonged to the Campadders, who received a grant of some abbey lands seized by Henry VIII., consisting mostly of gold plate, which had been collected together by the monks of the district round the abbey and deposited in a seemingly safe place. Sir Walter Campadder managed to get hold of this, and in spite of the King's efforts, to conceal it safely. A map locating the treasure had been handed down, but it could not be understood, and the world-wide search had exhausted the means of Sir Walter's heirs. This story relates how "Ned" Campadder determined to find the long-lost wealth. The plot is an excellent one, and the interest of the reader is well sustained by a quite unexpected finish.