The Lesbia of Catullus. By J. H. A. Tremenheere. (T.
Fisher 17nwin.)—Mr. Tremenheere has arranged in the order the poems addressed to Lesbia (in the texts they are wholly confused), and has rendered them into English, with much industry and occasional felicity of expression. Here is a specimen :— "0 Levee and Graces, bow the head,
And all mankind who beauty prize.
My Lady's sparrow, he is dead, Whom more she cherished than her eyes.
The sparrow, all my Lady's joy!
For her the little honey knew Well as girls their mothers do.
Nor would he from her bosom fly, But, round his mistress flitter-flitter, To h5r and her alone would twitter."
This might be better, for the poem demands little but skill, no sympathy of passion. And " quidquid hominum est venustiorum " is strangely translated.