20 APRIL 1912, Page 2

We regret to record that owing to the mutiny of

Moorish troops in French pay a grave situation has arisen at Fez. Friday's telegrams show that the Tangier wireless station, which is in communication with Fez, has received messages to the effect that the Moorish troops mutinied over the ques- tion of pay and shot their French instructors. The mutinous soldiers then looted the central town, the French bank, and the French hotel. The wireless station was attacked and three of the employees wore killed and a fourth wounded. The French troops encamped outside the eity soon entered and made sate the French Minister and the Consulates. The Sultan is said to be alive in his palace, but is isolated. There is a large body of French troops at Mekinez which could, if necessary, reach Fez in twenty-four hours.