20 APRIL 1912, page 3

At The Beginning Of The Week A Blue-book Was Issued

con- taining correspondence on Persian affairs. It is unnecessary to follow the record of recent events which the correspondence provides, as the events are familiar. But we may......

A Reuter Telegram In Thursday's Papers Reports The Out-...

in Tibet of a rising against the Chinese. The trouble was started by the " Tibetan State Oracle," whose language was so outspoken that the Chinese ordered his execution. The......

Mr. Balfour, Who Opened The Debate On The Home Rule

Bill on Monday, ridiculed the notion that safeguards had been provided for the supremacy of the Imperial Parliament. The Bill was admittedly an instalment of Federalism, and......

The Debate Was Resumed On Tuesday By Mr. Walter Long.

The financial clauses, he declared, breathed distrust of the Irish people, and he and his friends would oppose the Bill to the last. Mr. T. P. O'Connor declared that the......

Mr. Birrell, Replying For The Government, Dwelt On The...

demand for Home Rule as the only permanent thing in Ireland during the last one hundred years. He had no difficulty in believing that the people of North-East Ulster were almost......

Mr. Samuel Dealt In Great Detail With The Finance Of

the Bill. If the Irish Government desired to borrow money for national development they would have power to do so. In conclusion, be declared emphatically that it was absolutely......

The Papers Of Wednesday Published A Manifesto From The...

of the (Bulgarian) Internal Macedonian Organization now in London. They declare that it is useless any longer to hope for genuine reforms from the Young Turks. The sufferings of......

The Introduction Of The Welsh Disestablishment Bill Has...

so as to suit the convenience of the Irish Nationalist members. It appears that the Irish National Convention opens on Tuesday, the 23rd, and in the absence of the Nationalist......

Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

Feb. 8th. Consols (2i) were on Friday 781—Friday week 78.......