20 APRIL 1912, page 24

The Resurrection Is The New Testament. By Clayton R. Bowen,

B.D. (G, P. Putnam's Sons. Os. net.)—We can take but one item in this elaborate argument. Professor Bowen insists strongly on St. Luke's material view of the Resurrection,......

A Short History Of Europe (modern). By Charles Sanford...

M.A. (G. Routledge and Sons. as. 6d. net.)—Professor Terry con- tinues in this volume a work begun some time ago. Taking the Fall of the Roman Empire as the beginning. of "......

The Official Rear-book Of The Church Of England....

not.)—This volume, now published for the thirtieth time, is under the control of a committee—an arrangement whioh may be said, without any disparagement of the work done in the......

The Citizen's Atlas. Edited . By J. G. Bartholomew, Ll.d....

Bartholomew' and Co. 25s. net.)—The editor gives us, by way of Introduction, a useful essay entitled "The Progress of Geography." We have on the first page a striking......

St. Francis Of Assisi. By Johannes Jorgenson. Translated...

O'Conor Sloane, Ph.D. (Longinans and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— It might bo enough to say of St. Francis that he died at the ago of forty-three and loft the Franciscan Order to the......