20 APRIL 1912, page 14

An Analogue.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " HpRorATon."1 SIR,—In reading old Francis Quarles's " Eclogue " the other day I came across, in the 11th Eclogue, some lines which are surely applicable......


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:] Sin, — As one who is chiefly dependent on your paper for his educative literature and much enjoys its "rare and refreshing fruit," I am......

The Home Rule Bill.

[To Tax EDITOR OP THY "SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Por many years I have taken your paper, and in many ways profited by the ideas and opinions therein expressed, but I am pained at the......

The Ulster Problem.

[To THE EDITOR Or TEE "BPROTATOR."] SIR,—The curious mental attitude of a section of English Nonconformists to Home Rule is well illustrated by the remarks of Mr. Ellis Davies,......

" Ulster, The Geographical Expression." [to Thy Editor Of...

" SPECITATOR."] SIE,—Your restricted use of " Ulster " in your "News of the Week " on April 13th is not so exceptional as it might at first sight appear. While you were......

Lord John Russell On Home Rule.

[To TI111 EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.".1 SIR, —The following expression of the mature judgment of a very eminent Liberal statesman seems worth quoting. In the "Recollections and......

Why Not Experiment In Syndicalism P

ITO TED EDITOR Or TEE "81.11CTATOR."1 SIR, —Your article on " Why not Experiment in Syndi- calism ? " reminds me of the shrewd and genial Craig, whom many of us remember as......