20 APRIL 1912, page 2

We Regret To Record That Owing To The Mutiny Of

Moorish troops in French pay a grave situation has arisen at Fez. Friday's telegrams show that the Tangier wireless station, which is in communication with Fez, has received......

Though The Situation Is A. Very Disagreeable One For The

French, order in all probability will he restored within the course of the next few days. At the same time t here is always in such cases the risk of a " regrettable incident"......

If German Statesmen And Publicists Care, As We Have Sug-

gested to our own people, to use their imagination and put themselves in our places, they are bound to arrive at the conclusion just stated. Mark, we do not ask them to assume......

The Difficulty Of Putting Pressure On Turkey By Means Of

naval force is to be found in the fact that there is so little navigation under the Turkish flag. Blockading Turkish ports, or interfering with the trade routes to them,......

We Have Pointed Out Elsewhere The Dangers That Arise From

want of imagination in handling foreign politics, both as regards our own people and also as regards the Germans. We are glad to note, however, in Friday's Times a......

The Berlin Correspondent Of The Times Sends To Tuesday7s...

a summary of the German " Defence Bills " and the financial provisions for these measures. The Navy Law as now amended provides for an increase of eight battleships, four large......

Two Graceful And Impressive Fetes, Which Will Live Long In

the memory of the British and French nations, were hold on Friday and Saturday week at Nice and Cannes respectively. The first was the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of......

The Weather At Cannes On Saturday Week Was Less Favour-

able than it had been on the previous day at Nice. No flying was possible owing to the high wind, and visitors had a rough and difficult experience in going to and from the......