20 APRIL 1912, page 15

An Analogue.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " HpRorATon."1 SIR,—In reading old Francis Quarles's " Eclogue " the other day I came across, in the 11th Eclogue, some lines which are surely applicable......

London Emigration. [to The Editor Op The 'brill:1 , Mm")...

of emigration from this city to the British dominions and colonies may be regarded from two aspects, widely different and yet closely connected. There is in the first place the......

Old Soldiers And The Empire. Lto The Editor Om The

"SrEci1roa."3 SIB,—May I commend to the notice of your readers the appeal signed by Lord Grey, the Duke of Bedford, and Major - General Sir Ronald Lane on behalf of the funds of......