20 APRIL 1912, page 23

Nove Ls.

FOUR CHIMNEYS.t WE always expect to meet pleasant people in Miss Macnaughtan's novels, and the expectation is not dis- appointed in Four Chimneys. Readers who cannot dispense......

The Official Rear-book Of The Church Of England....

not.)—This volume, now published for the thirtieth time, is under the control of a committee—an arrangement whioh may be said, without any disparagement of the work done in the......

Readable Novels.—the Malabar Magician. By F. E. Penny....

Windus. Gs.)—A series of picturesque scenes from Indian life in which some English officials are the matter-of-fact and the magician the mysterious element. —The House of Reber-......

The Conflict. By David Graham Phillips. (d. Appleton And...

Os.)—This novel deals with a subject which will frequently appear, we imagine, in the fiction of the near future —labour unrest. Victor Dorn reminds us, of course, of Felix Holt......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this keeling we notice such Beaks of the week as hare not Wen. rceerved for review in other forms.1 Ties Historical Narrative of the Old Testament. By John Edgar......