20 APRIL 1912, Page 23


[Under this keeling we notice such Beaks of the week as hare not Wen. rceerved for review in other forms.1

Ties Historical Narrative of the Old Testament. By John Edgar M`Fadyen, D.D. (T. and T. Clark. 6d. net.)—This is one of the "Primers for Teachers and Senior Bible Class Students " appear- ing under the editorship of Dr. George Henderson. The author recognizes that the narrative with which ho is dealing is com- posite, its main sources being the prophetic and the priestly. From this starting-point the journey is comparatively easy ; there are difficulties still remaining—the disproportion, for instance, between the importance of the Egyptian sojourn in Jewish history and its insignificance in Egyptian records—but for practical pur- poses of teaching we have all that is necessary. Professor lorPadyen's little book will be found most useful by those for whom it is intended.