20 APRIL 1912, page 22

Nove Ls.

FOUR CHIMNEYS.t WE always expect to meet pleasant people in Miss Macnaughtan's novels, and the expectation is not dis- appointed in Four Chimneys. Readers who cannot dispense......

A Volume Of Reminiscences.*

THE name of James Stuart would have been more familial- fifteen years ago than it is now. He had then been for some years a Liberal member of Parliament, not exactly belonging......

The Nonconformists And Home Rule./. In 1687, When James Ii.

was seeking to make his own faith dominant in England, he endeavoured to bring over the Non- conformists to his side by o ff ering them a heavy bribe in the Declaration of......

The German Ma.weuvres In Mecklenburg.*

IT is not so long since Colonel Gadke, of the Prussian Service, felt himself impelled to give to the world the plain, unvarnished truth—as it presented itself to his......

The Shakespeare Ball Souvenir.*

PROBABLY no one would have been so surpriad as Mr. William Shakespeare if he could have visited the ball which was held in his honour on June 20th last. Although costume played......