20 APRIL 1912, page 16


THE FECKENHAM MEN. (A TRUE RECORD.) THE jolly men at Feekenham Don't count their goods as common men, Their heads are full of silly dreams From half-past ten to half-past ten ;......

London Parade: National Reserve Fund.

We have received the following sums for this Fund :— E e. d. s. d. 100 0 0 Lionel B. Wells 1 1 0 W. M. Cooper 1 1 0 100 10 0 10 0 0 Edward Hopkins Captain F. Osborne... .„. 1......

The Iceberg.

[To TIED EDITOR. OP TUN " SPECTATOli."_} SI R, —I do not know whether you care to print the enclosed poem by Celia Thaxter, an American poetess, who is, I am afraid, little......

A Tryst.

By CSLIA THAATIR. From out the desolation of the North An iceberg took its way, From its detaining comrades breaking forth, And travelling night and day. At whose command? Who......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......

Old Soldiers And The Empire. Lto The Editor Om The

"SrEci1roa."3 SIB,—May I commend to the notice of your readers the appeal signed by Lord Grey, the Duke of Bedford, and Major - General Sir Ronald Lane on behalf of the funds of......