20 APRIL 1912, page 1

The Usual Wireless Messages Were Sent In All Directions From

the sinking ship, and distress rockets were fired. At midnight the wireless messages were picked up by the Cunard liner Carpathia.' She reached the scene of the wreck at 4 a.m.......

Friday's News In Regard To The Turco-italian War Will Cause

anxiety in every European Chancellery. On Thursday an Italian squadron, including four battleships, a number of torpedo craft, and three transports, appeared off the mouth of......

No Details Of The Wreck Were Sent By The Carpathia,'

as she steamed towards New York, and the most extraordinary and fantastic rumours became current. From the moment that the news of the wreck was known the air was filled with......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


The Difficulty Of Putting Pressure On Turkey By Means Of

naval force is to be found in the fact that there is so little navigation under the Turkish flag. Blockading Turkish ports, or interfering with the trade routes to them,......

News Of The Week.

A TERRIBLE disaster, involving a greater loss of life than has ever been known in the history of the mer- cantile marine, happened to the White Star liner 'Titanic' last Sunday......