20 APRIL 1912, Page 3

The papers of Wednesday published a manifesto from the representatives

of the (Bulgarian) Internal Macedonian Organization now in London. They declare that it is useless any longer to hope for genuine reforms from the Young Turks. The sufferings of the Christians in Turkey, it is asserted, "bid fair to surpass even the Hamidian record." The persecutions are said to be exceptionally severe in the case of the Bulgarians, who, because of their vitality, are supposed to be a special danger to the Young Turks. In Macedonia "plunders, murders, abduction, and violation of women and children are of daily occurrence." It is said that the Bulgarian peasants are being driven from their lands and are being replaced by immigrants from Bosnia and elsewhere. The assassination of Bulgarians is alleged to be .a regular system, special bands having been formed for the purpose. The result, it is pointed out, will be " the strengthening of the collective armed protest of the Bulgarians in Macedonia." The manifesto finally appeals for the solution that was desired before the Turkish revolution—the placing of Macedonia under the control of the Great Powers and the appointment of a Christian Governor.