10 AUGUST 1850

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If Parliament is industrious in the grinding of bills, more

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real progress in the furtherance of important questions is made by dilettante associations out of doors ; it is made in a better spirit, and probably it obtains a wider...

Lambeth election hasgone with singultle decisiveness in favour of the

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real ” Radical " candidate ; and the choice of the electors is not uninstructive. Like Paris, they had to -elect one out of three ; but the candidates were not quite so...


The Spectator

Moan than one little drams,of the nature of an afterpiece has been performed by , Parliamenf this week ; substantial measures not en- tering much mto the action, but the...

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While Ministerial journalists are still crowing over the settle- ment

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of the Schleswig-Holstein quarrel, many symptoms arise to ' cast the gravest doubts on any "settlement" " whatever at present in view. The victory of. the Dimes' has evidently...

Et hair., anh rnrring in.paztiamtnt.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. HOUSE OF LORDS. Monday, August 5. Royal Assent to the Population Bill, Factories Bill, Metropolitan Interments Bill, Australian Colonies...

The • only other incident of much importance abroad, is

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the change in the American Cabinet. In his early public acts, Mr. .Fillniore offers one marked contrast to hie predecessor in the • casual . accession to ihe Presidency. It was...

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tO (fund.

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Tirs Queen gave a fête on Tuesday, to celebrate Prince Albert's thirty- first birthday (the 26th of August) by anticipation. The grounds of Os- borne were enlivened by games, in...


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The number of candidates who appeared on the hustings at Lambeth on Monday, the nomination-day, was three,—Mr. William Williams, Sir Charles Napier, and Mr. }aide Palmer; all of...

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Jjr Ihnniurro.

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The Great Northern Railway was on Monday last publicly opened to traffic as far as Wenington, a point seventy-nine and a half miles from London and about three miles North of...

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The state of parties and, local influences in Dungannon has led to an unexpected result from Lord Northland's resignation. It was confidently expected," says a local account,...


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The meeting of the British Association at Edinburgh, which terminated on 'Wednesday, was more distinguished for its financial success than for the "advancement of science." The...

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imign net tolunial.

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Passim—The Board of Health at Marseilles lately chose to exact some unusual and especially inconvenient sanatory observances on the part of vessels arriving in quarantine from...


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We are authorized to state, that a communication was yesterday re- ceived by the Lord Provost from the Secretary to his Royal Highness Prince Albert, intimating that her Majesty...

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WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 9.-14th Regt. of Light Drags.—Regimental Sergt.-Major T. Bennett to be Quartermaster, vice Shenton, dec. 7th Itegt. of Foot—Major L. W. Yea to be Lieut.-CoL by...

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At the monthly General Court of Commissioners of Sewers, yesterday,

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the scheme of Mr. Frank Forster, the engineer of the Commission, for the- drainage of the Metropolis on the South bank of the Thames, was read by the Chairman. The main...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. The Parliamentary business of last night is less interesting than volu- minous. The House of Commons resumed the "counted-out" debate on the motion by Mr. Hume for a...

We regret to find that a report which reached our

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office at an early hour this morning, of the death of Sir Launcelot Shadwelf, is but too well founded. As we are going to press the bell of Lincoln's Inn is tolling for the...

Readers of the daily newspapers may have observed an increased

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anxiety on the part of Members of Parliament to announce that on certain divi- sions they "paired off" with some other Members of opposite opinions. Notices, too, are becoming...

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The French Assembly, was yestesday to meet pro fermi; but

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there was nothing on the orders of the day, and the session was practically at an end. At half-past two, when the chair was taken, only about two hun- dred members were present...

The domestic drama produced this week at the New Strand

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Theatre, under the title of The Daughter of the Stars, displays considerable talent, but its merits are in a great measure counterbalanced by corresponding defects. A picture...


The Spectator

54, Parliament Street, 8th August 1850. Sin—The attention you have lately shown to Irish questions, and still more the enlightened and impartial tone which has characterized...

We !date with much satisfaction, that we have just seen

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and examined a large lump of auriferous rock or stone, just arrived from the neighbourhood of Annette Bay, Jamaica. Split open, it appears almost one compact mass of gold and...


The Spectator

There is yet a new star to rise on the operatic horizon, though at the- eleventh hour ;—Madame Fiorentini, announced as "the celebrated so- prano of the Italian opera in...

The readings of Mrs. Fanny Kemble at the St. James's

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Theatre were to have terminated last night ; but they have proved so successful that they are announced to continue at least four nights more.


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STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds have been heavy since Monday ; Stock of every de- scription with the exception of Three-and-a-quarter per Cents having been...

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The Spectator

BE it slighted by Ministers or fulfilled in deed, the report of the Select Committee on Official Salaries is a dangerms document. Although it does not occupy the wide field...


The Spectator

PALMERSTON IN SCH1ESWIG-HOLSTEIN. DirEonacv talking of peace is an alarming portent • and the pro- tocols just published by the Foreign Office, on the affairs of Schles-...


The Spectator

AB017T a century past it was the wont of men on leaving Berwick or York for London to make their wills, direct the course of crops, Lind prearrange for any substantial work of...

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Irr these declining days of the Session, two veteran brothers in arms, looking back upon their. lives Parliamentary, have been giving voice to their penitence for wasted time...


The Spectator

TOM DIBDIN singing "Old Towler " in the midst of a kennel of hounds had not more faith in the power of music, than the Peace Congress have in their own preaching powers when...

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A aroenuarmae to the Duke of Cambridge ?—what for ? What was there in the Duke of Cambridge to call for a public monument ? The proposal runs counter to the very rationale of...


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'lumen . reason may be bounded, but the whims of men are infinite.. A. cluster of eases, three in particular, have just passed through the courts, exhibiting traits of...


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A WEEKLY contemporary, who enjoys peculier advantages, and, of course, is subject to peculiar obligations has undertaken to prove that Ireland is on the high road out of all her...

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SIR HENRY HUNTLEY'S SEVEN YEARS' SERVICE ON THE SLAVE COAST OF AFRICA. * IN 1831, Sir Henry Huntley, then a Lieutenant in the Navy, was ordered to the Western coast of Africa....

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MR. BAILLIB COCHRANE'S YOUNG ITALY. * Ku. Comm/am has been passing

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some time on the Continent. lie has visited Ltelius (Lord Brougham) in his Tusculum at Cannes ; which he describes, and the many merits of its owner. Re also - visited Naples;...

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NOVELS founded upon the lives of literary men are not in their nature well adapted for success. If they adhere closely to the facts, there seems no necessity for writing then;...

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WE never ranked among the vehement admirers of the "Corn-law Rhymer " ; and the soundness of the distrust may rest upon fact instead of criticism. From early manhood Elliott had...


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Boone. Tnis week luts been more fruitful than the weeks of late in %Italica- lions of some mark. Besides Stella and Vanessa, already dismissed, there is a second volume of the...

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The Spectator

Among the multitudinous productions of the musical press during the last few weeks, there are several things which may be picked out as calling for a few words of special...


The Spectator

On the 30th July, at Auchindarroch House, Argyllshire, Mrs. Campbell, of Auchin- darroch, of a son. On the 31st, at North Villa, Regent's Park, the Wife of Colonel Miles, of a...

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Tuesday, August 6. Pewrss.asinrs DISSOLVED.-Cleaver and Wright, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers -Bellingham and Co. Margate, chemists-Pillungton and Co. Bury, cotton-spinners...


The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturd. Monday. Tuesday. Wed.,. Thum Pridoy, Spec Cent Consols 965 962 961 907 961 Ditto for Account 961 961 967 961 :111 3 per...