13 APRIL 1907

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Sir Edward Grey continued his announcement with the declaration that

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Sir Eldon Gorst had been appointed to the vacancy at Cairo, an appointment which had been made after consultation with Lord Cromer. Sir Eldon Gorst, he declared, had special...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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We have said in another part of our issue something

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of what we feel and of what the country feels in regard to Lord Cromer's services, but, to tell the truth, we have hardly the heart for eulogy at the moment when the nation...

The Montagnini disclosures have continued in the French Press during

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the week. On January 10th, 1905. Mgr. Montagnini wrote to Cardinal Merry del Val that the Dutch Minister in Paris, the Chevalier de Stners, had said (we quote from the Times):...

The King and Queen arrived at Cartagena on Monday on

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a visit to the King of Spain. King Alfonso, accompanied by the Queen-mother Christina, steamed out to meet the Victoria and Albert' on board the • Giralda,' and the two yachts...


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rpHE chief event of the week has been the resignation of Lord Cromer, which was announced in the House of Commons on Thursday afternoon by Sir Edward Grey. He stated that Lord...

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In the House of Commons on Tuesday Mr. Wyndham opened

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a debate on the second reading of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Bill. Mr. Wyndham explained that the Opposition were supporting an amendment which, if carried, would...

The news of the Duma this week is rather better.

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The Socialist proposal to reject the Budget was defeated, most of the peasants voting for the Government, and the Budget has been referred to a Committee. The right of the Duma,...

In regard to this argument s we cannot forbear a word

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of protest. The defenders of the Government scheme have all through taken the extraordinary line that because, as they say, the Militia would not do what the Government *anted...

We note with great satisfaction the summary fashion in which

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the Morning Post, itself a firm supporter of Tariff Reform, deals with the "sensational and ridiculous rumours" circulated by certain Unionist organs as to the Colonial...

The arrangement between France and Germany, recorded in the Times

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last Saturday, as to wireless telegraphy in Morocco is gratifying, and shows, as the Temps remarks, that when an understanding is desired an understanding is forth- coming. It...

When Parliament reassembled on Monday and the House of Commons

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went into Committee of Supply on the Civil Service Estimates, the burden of defence fell chiefly on Mr. Harcourt. In dealing with criticisms, some captious, others legitimate,...

In the debate which was continued on Wednesday night Mr.

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Arnold-Forster was the chief speaker on the Opposition side. It cannot be said, however, that the angry tone he adopted did any service to the MUSS which he was professing to...

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The Standard of last Saturday described an extraordinary strike among

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the men on the West Ham Distress Committee's farm colony at Ockendon. According to the official report, the average rate of pay at this colony, which is supported by the rates,...

The Dublin correspondent of the Times stated in last Satan.

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day's issue that the Government had "definitely abandoned the idea of introducing an Irish University Bill daring the present Session of Parliament." This statement, which also...

Bank Rate, 41 per cent., changed from 5 per cent.

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Apr. 11th. Consols (21) were on Friday 861—on. Friday week 85i. Bank Rate, 41 per cent., changed from 5 per cent. Apr. 11th. Consols (21) were on Friday 861—on. Friday week 85i.

We have dealt elsewhere with Lord Cromer's Report, but must

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find space here for a delightful touch of humour con. tabled in that portion of it which deals with the Soudan. In summarising Major Wilson's Report on the province of Sennar,...

On Thursday the House of Commons resumed its debate on

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Procedure. The Government plan, it may be as well to remind our readers, is that after a Bill has been read a second time it is to be sent to a Standing Committee, unless the...

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LORD CROMER'S RESIGNATION AND HIS LAST REPORT. I T is with deep regret that we record the resignation of Lord Cromer. No man has ever served his country and the Empire with...

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W E have no hesitation in saying that Mr. Long's speech at Syresham made on Friday, April 5th, gives more encouragement to the policy of Unionist reunion, which we have so often...

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T HE threatened strike in France of the bakers, butchers, restaurant-keepers, and indeed all who supply food, is of considerable importance, not only because it may reduce the...

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T HE prospects of the Session do not seem to give entire satisfaction to the supporters of the Government. This is a very common feeling, whatever party be in office. The...

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LIBERAL ROMAN CATHOLICISM IN FRANCE. rpHE political sensation of the

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Montagnini papers will 1 pass, but the disclosures are incidentally evidence of a - very important liberalising movement inside the Roman Catholic Church which will not only...

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P ROFESSOR BARRACK has published a new book in conjunction with Professor Herrmann (" Essays on the Social Gospel," Williams and Norgate, 4e. 6d.), a large section of which...

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success has come to him -111 gradually lives his mellow years under the heavy fore- boding that some piratical American publisher will rake up the literary indiscretions of his...

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I N his preface to the second series of that most admirable of anthologies, the "Golden Treasury," Mr. Francis Palgrave expresses his deep regret, and anticipates the regret of...

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THE DUMA AND THE IMPERIAL PROBLEM. [TO TOO EDITOR Or TOM .SrEM.ATOB:j Sra,—Perhaps the new Persian Parliament is more picturesque than the Russian in point of costume, but it...

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THE ABOLITION OF THE SLAVE TRADE. [To THE EDITOR OE THE .4 SPECTATOR . ] Sra, — In the interesting article on the abolition of the slave trade in your issue of March 30th you...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE . HPROTATOR.1 §111, — Cotton - spinning profits in Lancashire are larger than ever, which is saying a good deal in view of the extraordinary spell of...


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Sra, — I feel sure that your readers will like to see put on record, in a paper to whose columns Canon MacColl so often contributed, some of the chief facts of his life. Malcolm...

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rro THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR." SIR,—In reading the article on "The Pronunciation of Latin" in last week's Spectator I was deeply touched by the ambitious- ness of the...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR...I Sin,—You do well to emphasise the fact that the adoption of a reformed, or Philological-Society, or approximately true pro- nunciation of...


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THE .avaaoires.1 Sin,—In an article headed "Mr. Burns and the Independent Labour Party" in your issue of April 6th you state as a reason why so few lads of the labouring...

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[TO TIER EDITOR 07 THE BPEC74.208:1 SIR,-" The Calendar of Trinity College (Dublin) is quoted to show that nearly half the revenue of that establishment is spent on theology,...


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[To Too Enron or um "SrEorsrou.") Sra,—Fortunately, like your correspondent Mr. Murray (Spectator, April 6th), I have no experience of Wm in relation to sleeping sickness. When...


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[To TR. Soma or Tar "Srroravos..] Sm, — In your issue of March 30th a correspondent suggested that some of your subscribers might like to forward their copies of the Spectator...


The Spectator

[TO TRR EDITOR 07 Tug SPECTATOR:9 Suz,—In a note appended to Mr. Gwynn's letter last week you say :— " We cannot agree with Mr. Gwynn that Liberal Noncon- formists, who are...


The Spectator

pro TR. EDITOR OF TIM "srscrzzos..1 Sut,—I cannot help saying a word in support of Mr. Ian Malcolm's plea for mercy to Trinity College (Spectator, March 9th), though from a...

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THE ADVENTURERS. OVER the downs in sunlight clear Forth we went in the spring of the year : Plunder of April's gold we sought, Little of April's anger thought. Caught in a...


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PROVINCIAL LETTERS.* . READERS of the Pages from a Private Diary will welcome the present volume of essays by - the same author. Their title, which might suggest to the unwary...

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IT would be difficult to overpraise the technical skill with which Professor MacCunn has used his six Radicals— Bentham, J. S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, and T. H. Green—as...

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THB visit of his Majesty the Amir Habib-ullah Khan to Lord Minto, following so closely upon the somewhat futile Mission of Sir Louis Dane, invests with an especial interest any...

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THE biographer of Princess Belgiojoso claims for his heroine a high and important place in the ranks of the patriots who made Italian unity. She had, no doubt, a considerable...

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OUR LADY OF THE BEECHES.* THE Baroness von Hutten, who gave us an extremely bright and unconventional story in Pam, slightly impaired the im- pression created by her first...

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Conflict. By Constance Smedley. (A. Constable and Co. (Is.)— The

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reader who, delighting in the modern novel of business, thinks he has found what he wants in this book will experience a considerable disappointment. The opening scone takes...

Stepping Westward. By M. E. Francis (Mrs. Francis Blundell). (Methuen

The Spectator

and Co. 6s.)—goviews of Mrs. Blundell's work must suffer from a slight monotony, since her subject is always the same, and she treats it in a manner which calls for almost un-...

Remora:its Novsts.—The Diamond Ship. By Max Pemberton. (Cassell and Co.

The Spectator

6s.)—A series of thrilling adventures—The Ghost. By Arnold Bennett. (Ghetto and Windus. 2s. ad. not.) —An example of the series named by the author "Fantasias." — The Obliging...


The Spectator

OLD-AGE PENSIONS. Old - Age Pensions and the Aged Poor, a Proposal. By Charles Booth. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. net.)—This is a reprint (with now preface) of a volume published in...

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The Making of the Criminal. By Charles E. B. Russell

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and L. M. Rigby. (Macmillan and Co. Els. 6d. net.)—Criminals are, to a large extent, made for us. There is a °lase in which crime is an inheritance. Then there are those whom...

Engines of Social Progress. By W. L. George. (A. and

The Spectator

C. Black. 5s. net)—The subjects discussed in this volume are eight,--viz., emigration ; small holdings ; garden cities, with an appendix on cheap cottages and rural housing ;...


The Spectator

Mehl. this Mattis', we mottos rush BOOk4 el the west as Nos not been reserved for masa in other Arms.] The Teaching of the Temple. By the Rev. T. T. Lucius Morgan. (Rivingtons....

A Sect that Moved the World. By John Telford, RA.

The Spectator

(Charles H. Kelly. 25. 6d.)—The sub-title of Mr. Telford's book is" Three Generations of Clapham Sainte and Philanthropists." He begins With Henry Venn, who took up a curacy at...

A New English Dictionary. Edited by Dr. James A. H.

The Spectator

Murray. VoL VII. (" 0-1" "), " Piper—Polygenistic." (The Clarendon Press. Treble section, 78. 6e1.)—This section, which indicates by its size a more than average extent of...

Page 25

Rostoefi's Johnson. Newly Edited by Roger Innen. Parts L-II. (Sir

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Isaac Pitman and Sons. le net per part.)—This is a very handsome edition, in some respects superior to its predecessors, and generally worthy of its subject. The special feature...

A Country-side Chronicle. By S. L. Bensusan. (W. Heine- mann.

The Spectator

'Ts. 6d. net.)—Mr. Bensusan writes as one who for a year or so took his "week-ends" at the same country retreat. It does not much matter whether this is a literary artifice or...

The Waverley Novels: an Appreciation. By Charles Alexander Young. (J.

The Spectator

MacLehose and Sons, Glasgow. Is. net.)—This is the posthumous work of an Indian Civil servant of great promise, who perished two years ago in the earthquake at Dharmsala. He was...

Niebees Golf Year - Book (James Nisbet and Co., Is. 6d. net)

The Spectator

gives "Rules of Golf," with some local details, golf matches and tournaments during the year 1906, with articles on various topics connected with the game,—we may mention one...

Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology. By J. W. Macke.%

The Spectator

LL.D. (Longmans and Co. 2s. and Is- net.)—In this neat little Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology. By J. W. Macke.% LL.D. (Longmans and Co. 2s. and Is- net.)—In this neat...

The Ronson Forum and the Palatine. By Horace Marnechi. (Bernard

The Spectator

Quaritch. 55. net.)—In this volume we have a most useful conspectus of the discoveries made up to a quite recent date in the regions mentioned in the title. The illustrations...