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All Germany is intensely interested in the trial of three

The Spectator

lieutenants of the Reichswehr on a charge of " treasonable activities." . The trial is proceeding in the Supreme Court at Leipzig and the Judge warned both the Nazis (or...


The Spectator

1.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR code Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this...

News of the Week

The Spectator

Germany and the Nazis rIENERAL VON HINDENBURG, the President of "- the German Republic, has come down stoutly on the side of Dr. Bruning's Government, which has declared its...

The latter part of Lord Rothermere's article contains better sense.

The Spectator

It warns Englishmen of the danger of failing to get Europe disarmed in aCcordance with the pledge to Germany and to satisfy the national minorities that the League is really...

Lord Rothermere and Herr Hitler

The Spectator

Lord Rothermere, who is visiting Munich, the cradle of German Fascism, contributed a (lathing article to the Daily Mail of Wednesday in which he announced that Herr Hitler's...

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In the Sixth Committee of the League Assembly on Tuesday,

The Spectator

Mr. Buxton the British representative, expressed the opinion that the Mandates Commission should be enabled to use the great experience which it was acquiring "for the benefit...

A Wheat Quota A far better and safer plan for

The Spectator

helping the farmer, as it seems to us, is that of a wheat quota. A very concise presentation of this policy by Colonel E. A. Ruggles-Brise was published in the Times of Friday,...

The excuse of the politician-economist is, no doubt, that facts

The Spectator

themselves humiliate us, and it is unfortunately true that a man Who is earning nothing cannot afford to buy anything even though plenteous harvests arc all round him. Perhaps...

The Soviet and Cheap Corn

The Spectator

During the past week much information has been published about the remarkable efforts of the Soviet Government to export corn and sell it at whatever price it will fetch. It is...

The Improvement in India The Government of India's weekly appreciation

The Spectator

of the situation published in the papers of Wednesday, was by far the most encouraging which has been issued since civil disobedience began. There are unmistakable signs that...

The Washington correspondent of the Times says that it is

The Spectator

a common belief in the United States that the Soviet is trying to " demoralize grain prices." In judging of the reasonableness of this belief it must be remembered that...

Disarmament Mr. Scullin, the Australian Prime Minister, who has paid

The Spectator

a brief visit to Geneva, addressed the Reduction of Armaments Committee of the League last Saturday. He said that his Government strongly supported the principle of giving...

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Princess Margaret Rose The names Margaret Rose chosen for the

The Spectator

second daughter of the Duke of York seem to have pleased everybody. Margaret is distinctly Scottish. There was Saint Margaret, the Queen of Malcolm III; and it was through the...

The autumn political campaign began in earnest last Saturday when

The Spectator

several speeches were made. Mr. Neville Chamberlain said that the first duty of the Conservative Party, when it was returned to power, might be to bring in " an emergency...

The Motoring Regulations

The Spectator

On Tuesday officials of the Ministry of Transport received a deputation representing the motoring organiza- tions, the British Medical Association, local authorities, the...

British Investors in French Rentes

The Spectator

It has become known that about a month ago Mr. Snowden addressed a Note to the French Government setting forth the claims of British holders of French War Loan bonds. The...

Mr. Lloyd George said that he would co-operate with any

The Spectator

Government who would stop the rot of unemployment and give peace to a distracted world. " I am looking out for a Government of that sort." He did not pretend to be satisfied...

The Imperial Conference We have written in our first leading

The Spectator

article about the Imperial Conference. One fact must be added here. On Wednesday the Prime Minister received a joint memoran- dum from the Trades-Union Congress and the...

Cunard Liners

The Spectator

The Cunard Company is contemplating the building of two great new liners, but it is not yet known what their size and speed will be. It is said that the Company would like to...

Bank Rate, 8 per cent., changed from 8} per cent.

The Spectator

on May 1st, 1930. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 104 ff ; c i Wednesday week, 10311 ; a year ago, 1011 ; Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 921; on Wednesday...

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Rationalizing the Empire

The Spectator

?THERE arc many reasons why the Imperial Conference which is about to meet in London is being looked forward to with unprecedented interest, curiosity and hope. The last...

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The National Minorities M ANY members of the League Assembly have

The Spectator

per- sistently shown a deep concern for the welfare of those racial minorities which live in other people's countries. The ethnography of the world is a jig-saw puzzle. Whenever...

The Future of Yacht Racing

The Spectator

THE races for the America ' Cup have reduced yacht racing in the most expensive class to an absurdity. That fact had better be faced frankly in order that the magnificent sport...

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French and British Met hods in the Near East

The Spectator

[M. William Martin is the Editor of the Journal de Genive; he has recently visited the territories administered under "A" Man- dates. — En. Spectator.] r ir HE countries...

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Open Air Sw imming Baths

The Spectator

IF I were asked to state from what relaxation I derived my greatest pleasure and to what I attributed the comparatively good state of health whirls I enjoy in late middle age,...

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Lights of London

The Spectator

"Man's twofold nature is reflected in history. He is of earth, but his thoughts are with the stars. Mean and petty his wants and desires, yet they serve a soul exalted with...

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The Intentional Critic

The Spectator

NOT long ago it was stated, in a much and rightly NOT popular journal, that " the critic's first task is not to find fault, or even to discuss, but to put himself with the...

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The Lava Flow

The Spectator

" T E Vulcan cat en eruption ! " The news passes from /a mouth to mouth, excitement becomes general. The lava is threatening Ste Rose. No, it is running a new course, and...

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The Theatre

The Spectator

[" STREET SCENE." BY ELMER RICE. AT THE GLOBE. THEATRE. "THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE." BY G. BERNARD SHAW. AT THE SAVOY.] THE curtain rises stealthily, with an ominous lassitude, upon...

M usic

The Spectator

[THE HASLEMERE FESTIVAL.] AT the beginning of the Haslemere Festival, Mr. Joseph King made a speech in which he welcomed the visitors, more especially those front Europe and...

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The Spectator

A LETTER FROM JOHANNESBURG. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Except for the break in prices and a complaint of decreasing revenue in both the Union and the Provincial...

The Seals

The Spectator

LEAVE her alone, She is the Island's daughter. Sleek heads, dark heads Are risen from the water : Leave her the company Her songs have brought her. The old gray music doctors...


The Spectator

Before going abroad or away from home readers are advised to place an order for the SpEcreTOs. The journal will be forwarded to any address at the following rates One Month 2e....

A Hundred Years Ago

The Spectator

THE " SPECTATOR," SEPTEMBER 25TH, 1830. FUSELI'S LECTURES DELIVERED AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY. If the students of this academy must be supposed to have overcome the rudiments, and...

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Sexual Life in Ancient India, by Professor J. J. Meyer

The Spectator

(Routledge, 36s.), is a carefully documented work from the Mahabharata and liamayana—those vast Hindu epics— dealing with the life of women. Originally published in German, the...

Great Britain and India

The Spectator

The purpose of this page is to ventilate that moderate Indian opinion which, recognizing all the difficulties, yet believes in the continued association of Great Britain and...

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The Spectator

Is there not some silly saying about a donkey being called an ass because he prefers thistles to cherry pie ? In case anyone should continue to condemn the palate of the donkey...

This general troth nevertheless does not carry the inference often

The Spectator

extracted by politicians. That one or two farmers succeed in the midst of a bankrupt community does not necessarily mean that the rest might succeed if they were as able and...

An observer, with a long experience on both sides of

The Spectator

the Atlantic, sends me a comment on emigrating birds which fits my personal experience. It concerns the comcrake. The species was very scarce in England, killed according to one...

Here is another query for the aviculturist. Is it in

The Spectator

any way possible to rear young swallows that have lost their parents? The effort is being made ; but the most difficult subjects of all are birds which feed, as swallows feed,...

If anyone of urban mind desires to admire our farmers

The Spectator

he should go to such a district as this. They have retreated only from untenable positions. Nowhere could you find finer crops than the wheat and beans on the more congenial...

Country Life

The Spectator

FARMERS' COURAGE. I spent several days lately in a part of the country where the bed plight of the folk is most marked, where the population goes steadily down and down. In a...


The Spectator

To most of us the mystery of migration is chiefly associated with swifts and the swallow tribe. We have been given both this year and last some astonishing examples, by good...

A Scottish Member of Parliament, who has interested himself especially

The Spectator

in farming policy, offered to bet me— and he has frequently made the offer to others—that I could not find a single parish in the country which did not possess one successful...

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St. Loe Strachey

The Spectator

By Amy Strachey In this and the succeeding two issues the SPECTATOR is publishing extracts, of which the first appears below, from the memoirs of St. Loe Strachey by Mrs. Amy...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I relict with much appreciation Major "Yeats - Brown's account of what has been done by the Board to improve public &uses in Callisle. The...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

The Spectator

highly appreciate the yeoman services rendered by the Spectator, not only to India but to Great Britain, in giving impartial publicity to a wide range of views on the present...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Miss Sylvia Pankhurst in your issue of September 6th condemns the recommendation of the Maternal Mortality Departmental Committee that...

Letters to the Editor

The Spectator

GREAT BRITAIN AND INDIA [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—In your issue of September 20th, one of your corre- spondents compares the situation in India with that once...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I shall be much obliged if you can allow me space to reply to Captain Mildmay's criticism of my letter on ' The Party System." Captain...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—Mr. P. A. Bankes doubts the statement that the stan- dards of conduct of Kenya settlers towards natives are excep- tionally high, on the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIE,—My attention was drawn to the articles on Bungalo- phobia in the current issue of your paper, and I consequently ordered a copy (September...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SM,—In the letter on the above subject in your issue of the lath inst. is the following paragraph : " In a visit to a pig factory I was shown...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the Sencrsron.] Sin ,—My attention has been drawn to the correspondence that has recently appeared in your columns on the alleged inferiority of the English...


The Spectator

Aw Ianrsourrtorr COMPLEX. A thought that might be worth communicating flashed through my mind this morning. It was occasioned by the following incident : Upon rising I stepped...

Page 19

Miss Underhill, as our readers know, rarely writes even a

The Spectator

short article without some flash of wit, some apt analogy, some charming allusion to illuminate her scholarship. In her Mysticism, of which a twelfth edition has just been...

A book such as Tyrol Under the Ave of Fascism,

The Spectator

by Dr. Eduard Reut-Nicolussi (Allen and Unwin, 12s. lid.) makes one reflect sadly on the sluggishness of the international public conscience where political matters are at...

It is not given to many of us to be

The Spectator

able to compare Hammer- fest with Punta Arenas, to estimate the relative merits of a Lapp but and a Mongolian yurl, or the conveniences of a Yellowstone tourist-lodge as...

Some Books of the Week

The Spectator

DURING the past month the books most in demand at the Times Book Club have been :— NON-FICTION : As We Were, A Victorian Peepshow, by E. F. Benson ; An Ambassador of Peace, Lord...

("General Knowledge Competition " be found on page 422.)

The Spectator

Mr. Lewis May's life of George Eliot (Cassell, Ifs.) combines

The Spectator

two points of view, the Victorian and the Georgian. Ile admires her genius almost as heartily as her contemporary critics ; at the same time he considers that her desire to dis-...

One of the surprises of the War was the bombardment

The Spectator

of Paris in the spring and summer of 1918 from a distance of over seventy miles. Colonel H. W. Miller, of the United States Ordnance Corps, in The Paris Gun (Horny, 10s. 6d.),...

A fascinating, if imaginative, story of the birth of a

The Spectator

people introduces us to the Waehagga, who form the subject of Miss Eva Stuart-Watt's Africa's Dome of Mystery (Marshall Morgan and Scott, 10s. 6d.). It is a difficult book to...

A New Competition

The Spectator

Yours cousin and his wife, who have lived all their lives in Australia, want to spend one month of next year in England. They ask your advice as to when they should come, where...

Page 20

Sidelights on Queen Victoria

The Spectator

ALTHOUGH a considerable part of this book is not what is usually dignified with the name of history it is undoubtedly of the stuff of which history is made. The latter part of...

The First Month of War

The Spectator

Tun battle of the Marne is generally regarded as decisive in that it wrecked the German plan of campaign and gave the Allies time to organize for victory. But the events pre-...

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What Social Work Is

The Spectator

Concerning the Blind. By J. M. Ritchie. (Oliver and Boyd. 7s. 6d.) THE proverbial platitude that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives is possibly even...

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Recent Theology

The Spectator

The Fullness of Sacrifice : an Essay in Reconciliation. By F. C. N. Hicks, D.D.. I3ishop of Gibraltar. (Macmillan. 15s.) The Grace of God. By N. P. Williams. D.D. (Anglican...

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Bushman and Hottentot

The Spectator

The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa. (Bushmen and Hotten- tots.) By I. Schapera, M.A. (Cape Town), and Ph.D. (London). 16 plates, 2 maps. (Routledge. 31s. 6d.) Tuts important...


The Spectator

The Age of Speed ? Trio. By Phyllis Bentley. (Collaner. is. Gil.) A Note in Music. By Rosamund Lehmann. (Chatto and Hindus. is. Gel.) ONEwould not think, after reading these...

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Travel -

The Spectator

The Success of British Spas THE authorities of the British Spas are cheerful in spite of trade depression and general " hardupness." This is due largely to the foresight of the...

General Knowledge Questions

The Spectator

Orn weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to the Ven. Hugh Bright, Arch- :deacon of Stafford, The Close, Lichfield, for the...

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Answers to Questions on Cathedrals

The Spectator

L A cathedral is a church which contains the throne or official seat of the Bishop. 2. The cathedrals of the Old Foundation are Chiehester, Exeter, Hereford, Lichfield,...

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Report on Competition

The Spectator

A Safety Jingle for Motorists A GOOD memory jingle is worth a book of rules. How many people depend on "Thirty days Math September . . ." in calculating dates ! And, as one...

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Financial Notes

The Spectator

GENERAL. DEPRESSION. MOST of the factors operating upon the Stock Markets during the past week have been of an unfavourable character. Foremost among these influences has been...


The Spectator

Few bankers on the occasion of their retirement have received warmer tributes than those which have been paid by all the leading journals to Mr. John Rae, the Chief Manager of...


The Spectator

This "satisfaction " is certainly shared by the City, where Mr. Rae's exceptional abilities and sound judgment have long been recognized. Such men can ill be spared at the...


The Spectator

It never rains but it pours, and in addition to other depressing influences, the industrial market has been affected this week by the postponement of the interim dividend on...

The Report of Imperial Airways for the financial year up

The Spectator

to . March 81st last shows an increase in gross revenue. but the income was earned as the result of greatly enlarged operations, and the net profit was rather lower, being...

The fall in German Loans had a depressing - effect upon

The Spectator

International stocks generally, while in the Industrial section the depression was emphasized by the passing of theliaterini dividend by the United Molasses Company, and...


The Spectator

In contrast to the depression affecting many markets, and by way, perhaps, of evidence of there being a considerable volume of resources awaiting investment, marked success...