30 DECEMBER 1899

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The German Emperor seems to have settled in his own

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mind that a new century begins on Monday, and a majority of the population of Europe will probably agree with him. The change in the designating numeral blinds them to the fact...

The news from the /dodder River is, as far as

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it goes, satisfactory. The Boers have been working night and day at their entrenchments, and have extended them for many miles in a creseent•shaped formation, but though this...

As a proof of how greatly time is telling in

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our favour we have only to point to Mr. Winston Churchill's review of the situation published in the second edition of Friday's Morning Post. He has penetrated the shell, and...

Of the military situation as a whole we may fairly

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say that it has a little improved. No doubt there are still many ugly fea- tures. Our force3 are scattered up and down South Africa in a most unfortunate confusion. We have no...


The Spectator

T HE military situation has changed very little since we last wrote. One fact, however, seems to be well estab- lished, and is of the very greatest importance. Ladysmith can...

Lord Kitchener will not return to Egypt after the war,

The Spectator

and Sir Reginald Wingate has been appointe I to fill his L e, both as Sirdar and as Governor-General of the Soudan. rd Grower's choice is a wise one, for the new Sirdar is...

* ** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in

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any case.

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The Morning Post of Wednesday contained a characteristic telegram from

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their correspondent, Mr. Winston Churchill, describing his escape from Pretoria. Mr. Churchill, who had been taken prisoner after showing great gallantry in the armoured train...

These details are, of course, fantastic guesswork, but we do

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not doubt that a year or two ago Germany and England most wisely came to an agreement as to what should be done, granted that Portugal could not meet her obliga- tions and would...

A good deal of excitement has been caused in Berlin

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by the publication in the Lokalanzeiger of the alleged details of the secret Treaty between Great Britain and Germany in regard to the fixture disposal of the colonial...

The centenary of Napoleon's Consulate, celebrated in Corsica on Christmas

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Day, elicited a letter to the Mayor of Ajaccio from Prince Victor Napoleon. In this adroitly- worded and temperate document the First Consul is held up to admiration as the...

The Times of Wednesday publishes the chief details of the

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Egyptian Budget. Owing to the bad Nile and the conse- quent loss of cultivable area, and so of taxes, the receipts have fallen off by £250,000. The farmers, it is calculated,...

The latest news from Mafeking, dated December 12th and despatched

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by runner via Mochndi, shows that Colonel Baden-Powell's intrepid humour remains unimpaired by the continuance of the siege. In the war of words which alter- nates with that of...

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We desire to draw special attention to an article on

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the subject of " Rifle Ranges and Rifle Clubs" which appears in another column. We urge the formation of rifle clubs not out of rivalry to the Volunteers, or because we think...

The death of Mr. D. L. Moody, the famous American

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evangelical preacher, was also announced last Saturday. Born at Northfield, Massachusetts, in 1837, he began life as a farm labourer, was engaged for a time as an assistant in a...

A serious landslip, attended with loss of life and great

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damage to property, occurred at Amalfi yesterday week. Premonitory earth tremors had alarmed the peasants, and the guests in one of the hotels had been warned on the morn- ing...

Mr. Treloar sends a most apposite quotation to Wed- nesday's

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Times. It appears that in 1810 the public very strongly blamed Sir Arthur Wellesley for his conduct of the war in the Peninsula. The Court of Common Council even petitioned the...

We record with deep regret the death, after a short

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illness, of the Duke of Westminster in his seventy-fifth year. Born in 1825, and educated at Eton and Balliol, he sat for Chester for twenty-one years before succeeding to the...

We note with indignation the attempt to make a dead

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set against Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, and to lay the blame of our want of military preparation on his shoulders. Even if it were true (which we think most doubtful, and which...

The Queen has shown her keen personal interest in her

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soldiers' families by a thoughtful and generous act. On Tuesday afternoon she gave a tea-party to a large number of the wives and children of the men serving in South Africa...

Telegrams from the Vienna correspondent of the Times in the

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issue of this day week and of Wednesday record an in- stance of enlightened and humane intervention on the part of a Roman Catholic Bishop in Hungary. An effort having been made...

Bank Rate, 6 per cent.

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New Consols (21) were on Friday 991.

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THE LOYALTY OF THE CAPE DUTCH. T HE Echo of Thursday contained a letter from Mr. Mackarness in regard to the loyalty of the Cape Dutch,—a letter which is, in effect, an appeal...

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W E have not much sympathy with people who twitch the driver's elbow or clutch at the reins, even when he is doing something foolish, and when the man on the knifeboard is in...

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I T must, we suppose, be conceded that the business of a Pretender is to pretend; but of late years the result of acting on this maxim has been that Pretenders have done...

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THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER. T HE late Duke of Westminster's life

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made as near an approach as in this imperfect world any of us are likely, or indeed need be very anxious, to see, towards the realisation of an ideal. If the average Peer,...

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" I AM surprised that a single soul survives a battle," wrote the Prince de Ligne in a well-known passage. "How shall you not die of grief if you lose, or of joy if you win ? "...

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T O many men of thoughtful and religious disposition, and especially to those who are naturally apt to trouble themselves with the misgivings of an anxious conscience, this war...

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W E have seen so many marvels achieved by science within the last thirty years, that it would be rash to ignore any tale of discovery, however strange, that is not demonstrably...

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I P the real results of the invention of long-range rifles have only been discovered by our officers in the present war, no one can be surprised, however unpleasant the dis-...

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A STREET ADVENTURE BY TOM HUGHES. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") think the enclosed article found among the papers of my father (Mr. Tom Hughes) may be of interest to...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—After twenty-four years of South African life I returned to the Old Country in September, 1898. My goal is New Zealand. Target...


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Sin,—In our war with the Boers the one thing at present wanted is some mode of protecting our soldiers in their advance to the attack; and I beg to suggest a resort to the old...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Some knowledge of the organisation of Government Departments suggests that with the best will in the world the War Office, at this...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,--The scheme for a Territorial Army, further developed in the Spectator of December 23rd, will, it is to be hoped, be carried into...


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MOUNTED VOLUNTEERS. [TO THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I have read from week to week the common-sense views of the Spectator on the war. As an old Volunteer of 1852, I...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") entirely endorse and agree with your own views and those set forth in Mr. Robert Yerburgh's letter in the Spectator of December 23rd. There...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article in the Spectator of December 23rd on "The Two Irelands," you "hope to see an increasingly large proportion of Irish...


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SIR,—I read in the Spectator of December 16th that "the French shriek with exultation, and seem really to believe that the hour of downfall for their 'hereditary enemy' has at...


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OF THE "SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The above remark was made by Sir Thomas Brisbane in the West Indies while serving as a young officer under Sir Ralph Abercromby. Sir Thomas at the time...


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SIR,—Is it any wonder that with all our blood-guiltiness, pro- fessing as we do to be a Christian nation, the Almighty should allow calamities and chastisement to fall upon us,...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The attitude of a large portion of the British Press at the present moment recalls painfully that of Mrs. Quickly in Henry V, Act 2,...

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EPITAPH.—SOUTH AFRICA, 1899. No fearless soldiers fell in battle here. They feared dishonour : death they did not fear. ELLA. FULLER MAITLAND.


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your correspondent " Zephyros " (Spectator, Decem- ber 9th) will find the poem he quotes, in print, at p. 12 of "Kottabos," Vol. I....


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Now that the Riviera is being deserted by British tourists, they might turn their steps to the Kerry Riviera without disadvantage. I see...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR, — There are few now who remember how on New Year's Day, 1850, the Times had a leading article to tell us that we had entered on the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The sentence quoted in your review of Dr. Stalker's book on Christology in the Spectator of December 16th, that "the words of Christ are...


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A BLOOD RED battle sunset stains The lurid winter sky : What spirit stirs within our veins And lifts our hearts so high? Gives youth no peace, gives age no sleep, For...

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MARIA. JOSEPHA, LADY STANLEY.* THESE letters are charming. They make the reader intimate with several delightful people, and show him a passed-away state of things,—a state of...


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Goo of the nations ! in whose hand Are held the destinies of our land, By whom we stand or fall ; Who, throned above the battle's blast, Dost guide the issue, first and last,—...

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FROM his recent contributions to the columns of various papers, and in particular to those of Punch, Mr. Seaman has gleaned a sheaf of topical and satirical verse that can...

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Is' all writers were like Miss Kingsley, what a pleasant life a reviewer's would be. She is invincibly readable. At least a dozen histories of European action in West Africa,...

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OLIVER CROMWELL.* IN the recent public discussion over the West

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minster Hall statue, no less than in the ever-widening flood of "Cromwell literature," we may find proof of the undying interest in the character, personality, and career of...

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Wu are glad to see that in Outside the Radius Mr. Pett Ridge, most invincible of optimists, has taken in hand the suburbs, a district lately given over to the tyranny of squalid...

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Hubert Hervey, Student and Imperialist : a Memoir. By Earl Grey, late Administrator of Rhodesia. (Edward Arnold. 7s. 6d.) —This memoir shows how loftiness of character and...


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PATRIOTISM AND EXPIRE. Patriotism and Empire. By John M. Robertson. (Grant Richards. 3s. 6d.)—" Mere negative community of malice, involving only the necessary minimum of...

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The What - a - Babies. By E. P. B. (Sherratt and Hughes, Manchester.

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6(14—This little book, no bigger than a pamphlet, is an attempt to describe the dreams of two feverish children. They go to a great many metaphorical places, such as " Thing-...

Literary Criticises in . the Renaissance. By Joel Elias Sprin-

The Spectator

garn. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.) — This scholarly, carefully written, and admirably condensed volume belongs to a series known as the "Columbia University Studies in Literature,"...

4s. Cd. nat.)—This is the book of a thoroughgoing Bismarckian.

The Spectator

"The Prince had never but one end in view, namely, to tell the truth." Of course this refers to his reminiscences. It certainly does not refer to his diplomacy. But this is not...

A History of Eton College. By Lionel Cust. (Duckworth and

The Spectator

Co. 5s. net.) – Mr. Lionel Cast is to be congratulated on his History of Eton College. It was a difficult task to carry out. In the first place, Sir Henry Maxwell Lyte's...

Jesus College, Oxford. By E. G. Hardy, M.A. (F. E.

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Robinson and Co. 5s. net.)—It is not Mr. Hardy's fault that this is not an interesting book. In College histories the excitement comes in, for the most part, when there are...

The Child's Cookery Book. By Louisa S. Tate. (Grant Richards.)

The Spectator

—This is a very nice little book which ought to rejoice the hearts of a great many children, and prove of real use to some of them as they grow older. The recipes are given in a...

London Souvenirs. By C. W. Heckethorn. (Chatto and Wincing. 6s.)—Mr.

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Heckethorn has much that is curious and amusing to tell us ; but his book is not wholly satisfactory. He wants the right temper of the raconteur. The writer who would please in...

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The second volume of "Sacred Books of the Buddhists," edited

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by Professor Max Miller (H. Frowde), contains The Dialogues of the Buddha, translated by T. W. Rhya Davide (10s. 6d ) These dialogues are thirteen in number. In each Buddha, who...

GIF T-BOOKS.—The Two Pools. By J. T. Dunning. (T. Esher

The Spectator

Unwin. 3s. 64.1.)—This "Romance for Children" is somewhat like the "Water-Babies," but not so didactic. Some readers wilt not like it the less for that, and will be equally...

The Shervintons: Soldiers of Fortune. By Kathleen Shervins ton. (T.

The Spectator

Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d.)—C. R. St. L. Shervinton came of a house of soldiers (his father, grandfather, and great-grand- father had had commissions in the Army), and began life as...

Booxs OF RESEBENCE.—Who's Who ? 1900 (A. and C. Black,

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3s. ed.), appears with some alterations of form, made for the purpose of including more practically useful information. Among the tables are "Ambassadors," "Military Commands,"...

Life of Sir William Robert Mends. By his Son, Bowen

The Spectator

Stilon Mends. (John Murray. 16s.) —The story of Admiral Mends, who died in 1897 at the age of eighty-three, was in the Navy from 1826 to 1883, and in t he Crimean War was...

Two books by mountaineering experts may be mentioned together. These

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are From the Alps to the Andes, by Matthias Zurbriggen (T. Fisher Unwin, 10s. 6d. net), and Alpine Memories, by Emile Javelle, translated by W. H. Chesson (same publisher, 7s....


The Spectator

[01:ter Vas heading we notice such Books of the week as hare not been 'tweed for iteicw in other forms.] The Backwater of Life. By James Payn. (Smith, Elder, and Co. Gs.)—This...

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Loess. Him:miss.— We must be content to mention very briefly

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various books which have a more or less local interest :—Nooks and Corners of Shropshire. By H. Thornhill Timmins. (Elliot Stock. 21s. net.)—Mr. Timmins, who has illustrated...

Bmcmarnies. —Elizabeth Pease Nichol. By Anna M. Stoddart. (J. M.

The Spectator

Dent and Co. 4s. 6d. net.)—Mr. R. F. Horton remarks that "we could wish that all the saints had belonged to one Church," because such a fact " would have furnished strong...

MISCELLANEOUB.—The Bride's Mirror of Maulavt Nazis-Ahmed. Edited by G. E.

The Spectator

Ward. (H. Frowde. 10s. 6d. net.) — This is a sort of didactic tale, written in Hindostanee for the benefit of the author's daughter, and now published, trans- literated into...