17 FEBRUARY 1912

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It would also be well that the men should realize

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that the preparations which have been made by the railways, gas coin- panics, and others to meet the strike have been of a very ample description. One of the dangers of the...


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N Monday e d o d e c u h r s t d o r o y n e o h f e the o a s t i t u m o o r a f e t n h t o e u s events ICJ in dynasty. This tremendous revolution was announced in three...

We have dealt in our leading article and in our

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Parliament- ary paragraphs with Lord Haldane's visit to Germany, but we may note here that all the indications seem to be that the visit has been exceedingly useful, It has been...

The second edict approves of the provision made for the

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Imperial House. The third edict exhorts the people to remain quiet, and emphasizes the disinterestedness of the Throne in abdicating in order to restore the blessings of peace....

But, though the visit is a good beginning, it would

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not he wise to indulge in an outbreak of foolish optimism. There is undoubtedly a powerful war party in Germany, and though we hope and believe that it may not get the upper...

We regret to record that all the indications point to

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a coal strike on March 1st. The handing in of strike notices has been practically universal. The Government, we note, are being urged to stop the strike, but they cannot compel...

OnNednesday the King, accompanied by the Queen, opened Parliament with

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the customary ceremonial. The Speech from the Throne dealt first with the war between Italy and Turkey. The Government are awaiting an opportunity to associate themselves with...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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Mr. Asquith, in his reply, dealt with these points in

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succes- sion. He denied that the policy of the partition of Bengal had been reversed; it had only been rearranged in the light of experience. With regard to the method of...

In the House of Commons on Wednesday, after the Address

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had been moved by Sir H. Verney and seconded by Mr. W. G. C. Gladstone, Mr. Bonar Law delivered a general attack upon the Government, of which we can only mention a few of the...

In the Lords, Lord Lansdowne, speaking on the Address, reviewed

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the field of foreign policy. He postponed serious criticism of the change of capital in India and of the rearrange- ment in Bengal. It was impossible for any one to regard...

Mr. Asquith gave practically no information as to the details

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of the Government's programme for the Session. In the course of some references to the Insurance Act he alluded to the prediction made earlier in the evening by Mr. Bonar Law...

Other Labour and Socialist speakers followed in the same vein.

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Mr. Lansbury claimed as full a life for the working mart as for the Members of the House. That is what we all want, but what we shall never get by Mr. Lansbury's methods. He...

A number of Ministerial changes were announced on Wednesday and

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Thursday. Lord Carrington bas resigned the Privy Seal and left the Cabinet, being raised at the 611/210 , time to the rank of Marquis. Lord Pentland has left the Scottish Office...

It was announced on Tuesday that the Order of the

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Garter had been conferred upon Sir Edward Grey. We congratulate him most sincerely upon this distinction, which, by a foolish convention, has so rarely been conferred upon...

The debate was continued on Thursday by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald,

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who proposed an amendment attributing the Labour unrest to the deplorable insufficiency of wages and to a considerable increase in the cost of living. Regret was also expressed...

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But though we welcome Mr. Churchill's present firmness of tone

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we cannot help asking, Will it last if it should happen that public opinion has apparently veered round in regard to the need for naval preparation on a great scale, with its...

The prospect of further naval increases among the Con- tinental

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Powers was a very serious matter, but this competi- tion had got to be met, and in every respect the resources of the country were equal to the demand. Here Mr. Churchll en-...

Bank Rate, 31 per cent., changed from 4 per cent.

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Feb. 8th. Consols (2k) were on Friday 781—Friday week 781.

At the first annual dinner of the Agenda Club on

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Monday Mr. Owen Seaman, who presided, made a speech which greatly impressed his audience. Mr. Enjiro Yamaza, the Japanese Chargé d'Affaires, spoke of the chivalry of the...

On Tuesday the English eleven in Australia won the fourth

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test match most handsomely by an innings and 225 runs. They have thus won the rubber as they had already won the second match by eight wickets and the third by seven wickets....

Mr. Winston Churchill was entertained by the Clyde Navigation Trustees

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at luncheon on Friday week, and made an important speech on naval policy. The purposes of the Navy were essentially defensive ; the Government had no thoughts of aggression, and...

The Times of Thursday published a letter from the Presi-

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dents of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons in answer to Mr. Lloyd George's attack. On February 12th Mr. Lloyd George said that his invitation to...

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THE ULSTER PROBLEM. I N the course of his speech on the Address, Mr. Bonar Law asked some exceedingly pertinent questions in regard to the Home Rule Bill promised by the...

LORD HALDANE'S VISIT. A LL the indications point to the fact

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that Lord Haldane's visit to Berlin has been useful. It is not going to produce the Millennium, nor did Lord Haldane, we may be sure, expect any such results from it. It does...

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I T is indeed interesting—one almost thinks of it as a privilege—to be alive to watch the revolution in China which has brought about the abdication of the Manchu dynasty, after...

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T "primary question raised by Mr. Lloyd George's speech on Monday afternoon last is whether it is the deliberate intention of the Liberal Party to make - war upon the whole...

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W E have dealt in our first leading article with the subject of Ulster and Home Rule, but we must say a word hero in regard to an amazing letter sent by Dr. Horton, the...


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W E can thank Heaven for Lord Lister's life and work,. without one touch of regret that he has died. Years ago, his work was done : and he had to bear many slow years. of old...

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E VERY newspaper reader has learned something in recent years of the infamous methods of the "white slave traffic," but it is probable that moat people, however deep their...

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T HERE are many moments in salmon-fishing which bring a"thrill" peculiarly their own, but there is none, per- haps, which carries quite the same sense of tense expectancy as to...

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INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN INDIA. [To MI EDITOR. Cy Tun " SnIcTAToa."1 Sra,—During a brief visit to India in connexion with the Imperial Durbar I had some opportunity of taking...

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THE ALLEGED MASSACRES IN TRIPOLI, [TO TRW EDITOR OW THE "iSPROTATOR,"] Sin,—In a letter published in your columns on February 10th Mr. Richard Begot makes several very grave...

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[To THE EDITOR OF TIESS " BPROTAT0IL."] Stu,—Many of those who are protagonists in the fight for Disestablishment are, though they do not realize it, not so much opposed to the...


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[To TRH EDITOR OF TIIR "SPRCTLIOR."] SIR,—As you have been good enough to devote an article to a criticism of the pamphlet I have just issued on "Democracy and the Control of...

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[To TRII EDITOR OF Till "SPRCTATOR."1 Sza,—In your review in

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the Spectator of February 3rd of Sir Thomas Clouston's book on " Unsoundness of Mind " you refer to Professor Karl Pearson's recent statements. As those statements and those of...


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[To Tin EDITOR OP TIIII "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In reply to the letter from your correspondent " Conservator," may I point out that the recommendations of the Royal Commission with...

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SIR,—The effect of the Trade Disputes Act 1906 through- out the country has been so marked in encouraging strife and strikes that some information as to what various Judges have...


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Sin,—In your issue of February 10th Colonel Keene, of the National Service League, quotes the advice given by the Inspector-General as to the best use to be made of the very...

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[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In view of Dr. Horton ' s impressive letter in the Timn.es, I suggest the following catechism to his co-religionists, for use' in...


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your Bolton correspondent of Feb- ruary 10th, knows his Lancashire well as to Tariff Reform, and it is refreshing to find such an experienced and able Tory coming out into the...


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[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn, — May I say, with regard to Scotland, that if Mr. Boner Law can find it possible to modify his position on Tariff Reform he will...


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[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."j SIR, — The outspoken delight and enjoyment expressed by your correspondent " X. " with regard to one of the Christmas . pantomimes are...


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"SPECTATOR. "] Sia, — With reference to " Hunt Stables and National Defence " in the Spectator of February 10th, will you kindly allow me space to reply to Mr. Woodgate ' s...

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[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR ) — I read with interest the article with the above title contained in your issue of January 27th. I am, however, sceptical as to the...


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r To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sra,—When Tennyson wrote-- "The swallow stopt as he hunted the bee" he was not incorrect, as your correspondent appears to think. In proof...


The Spectator

To THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR,"j SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. T. E. Eccles, deplores the fact that in different parts of the Continent so much more atten- tion is given to this...

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIE,—Tennyson, as an observer

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of nature, hardly needs a defender. But it is interesting to note that Vergil, another close observer, falls into the same error, if error it be, with regard to the swallow's...

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SIR,—Similar earthenware jars to those in the Val d'Aosta described by Mr. Eccles are made in this country. About three years ago I saw some on the buildings of Swallow's Tile...


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DEAF EARS AND MELTING HEARTS. (Dedicated to Dr. Horton.) THE Walrus and the Carpenter Were walking in the Strand, They wept like anything to see Home Rule so near at hand "...


The Spectator

CHINA. IN TRANSITION.* IF there be in the eyes of the enthusiast of the peace- propaganda any advantage for humanity in wars and rumours of war, it must surely be in their...

ROTICE.—When "Correspondence" or Articles are signed with The writer's name

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or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement . with the views therein expressed or with. the mode...

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MR. BRADLEY-Brae presses so closely on the heels of the late Sir W. W. Iunter, his eminent predecessor in Anglo- Indian administration and letters, that it is not surprising...

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" TnERE was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job." The familiar, opening words of the Book of Job have sug- gested a title to Mr. G. Wyman Bury (" Abdullab Ma - nsilr"),...

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ANIMAL STORIES.* ANIMAL stories, for which there is at present

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a great vogue, fall into two classes : those in which the animals are endowed -with .human powers of speech and reason, and those in -Which they are not. It might be supposed...

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THIS is a new and beautifully illustrated edition of the admirable English translation of the French Life of S. Ber- nardino written some years ago by M. Paul Thureau-Dangin,...


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ALL students of political economy will welcome a new edition of Professor William Smart's remarkable work, The Distri- bution of Income, first published by him in 1899 and now...

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MISS MARGARET MACMILLAN has written a preface to this book, in which she says that " the key of the whole work Tie acceptance. The two authors (they are instructresses at the...

BISHOP ERNEST WILBERFORCE.t Or the forty-two years of Ernest Wilberforce's

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ministerial life considerably more than half was spent in episcopal work. Ho was but forty-two when he was nominated to the See of Newcastle, and when he died, still three years...


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* Charles Dickens as Editor : Letters Written to W. If. Wills, his Sub-Editor. Selected and Edited by IL C. Lehmann, London Smith, leader and Co. [I2s. Od. net.] Tim series of...

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CARNIVAL* MR. COMPTON MACKENZIE, who commenced novelist with a vivacious tour de force in the pomander vein, relieved by a good deal of irrelevant strong language, has now...

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Despatches from Paris, 1788 - 1790. Selected by Oscar Browning. Vol. ii.

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1788-1700. (Camden Society.)—The editor, who was prevented from writing an Introduction to the first volume by illness, is now, ho tells us, hindered by considerations of space....


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[Maar this 'Wading we notice such Books of the weak as haw not been marred for review in other formal One of the publications called forth by the Dickens Centenary is Characters...

After Thoughts. By the Right Hon. George W. E. Russell.

The Spectator

(Grant Richards. 7s. ed. not.)—Mr. Russell has collected in this volume a miscellany of essays, reviews of books, obituary notices of distinguished persons, &o. Sometimes wo...

Forged in Strong Fires. By John Ironside. (Methuen and Co.

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Os.) —This is a story of the Boer War, powerful both in the conception and the telling. The first chapter gives us a dramatic situation. There is a festive gathering at...

READABLE NovELs.—Paul the Minstrel, and Other Stories. By A. C.

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Benson. (Smith, Elder and Co. 7s. Bd. not.)—Reprinted from the Sill of Trouble and Isles of Sunset. Melancholy with very occasional relief.—No Limit. By Arthur Applin. (F. V....

The House of Lieronan. By Miriam Alexander. (Andrew Melrose. es.)—"

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A 250-guinea Prize Novel," we are told. We can understand the decision, but only by imagining a reward offered for the invention, not, as the old story ran, of a new pleasure,...

A very useful and interesting guide to a knowledge of

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English and Welsh cathedrals will be found in Our English Cathedrals, by the Rev. James Sibree, two volumes (Francis Griffiths, 50. net).— We have an account of the architecture...

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Coal-Mining. By Robert Peel, (Mackie and Son. 3s.)—First published in

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1893, has reached a sixteenth edition. The author has continued to accommodate it to changes which have taken place in the industry. The proportion of fatal accidents has...

In the series of " Cambridge English Classics" (Cambridge University

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Press) we have vol. i. of The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney, edited by Albert Feuillerat (4s. Ocl. net).—This volume contains the "Arcadia" or, to give its full title,...

Who's Who in Science. Edited by H. H. Stephenson. (J.

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and A.. Churchill. 6s.) — This is an international list of mon who are working in the various branches of science, including some which would not always be included, as, for...