8 APRIL 1899

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All through the depositions are traces of evidence that the

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War Department "managed" the different trials, influenced witnesses, and were intent on preventing any clearance of Dreyfus, but the motive, whether for making him a'scapegoat,...

. • . -

The Spectator

The Tzmes of Thursday publishes a most interesting tele- gram from. Vienna giving Prince Bismarck's views upon Pan-Germanism as developed to a visitor—not named— at...

Lord Curzon on the 6th inst. made a speech to

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the representa- tive Mahommedans of the Punjab which is of some interest. He acknowledged the greatness of the Mussulman Empire now ended, but thought men of that faith might...


The Spectator

T HE Figaro has obtained, apparently by purchase froM a . lady, acopyof the carefullyguarded depositions made before the Court . of Cessation. They excite great attention in...

The. St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times forwards evidence that

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the great Siberian Railway which will in four years'. time connect . St. Petersburg with Port Arthur will pay from the very first. It is producing trade wherever it goes. The...

A preposterous importance continues to be given to the disputes

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in Samoa, a trumpery group in the Pacific of twelve hundred square miles and forty thousand people ;,but it is reported this week that the three Governments concerned— London,...

*.* The Editors cannotandertake to return Manuscript, in any ease.

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Mr. Leonard Courtney addressect his constituents at Lan- .

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drake on Wednesday evening. Discussing the figures as to national expenditure, he re minded his hearers that in the year 1868 Mr. Bright• said a Government deserved a vote of...

The Irish Unity Conference, which met in Dublin on Tuesday,

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was only attended by some fifty Anti-Parnellite Members, the Parnellites (except Mr. Harrington, who is a sort of free lance, and Mr. O'Kelly) refusing to come to the meeting....

Last Saturday President Kruger visited Johannesburg and addressed a crowd

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of some seven thousand people gathered on the Union ground. The principal part of his speech dealt with the franchise question. He would not, he said, be worthy to be the head...

The American Commander, General Otis, has issued a proclamation to

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the Filipinos declaring the intentions of the Americans in regard to the future of the islands. It declares (1) that the supremacy of the United States will be enforced...

The Liberal party has sustained a great loss in the

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death of Mr. Thomas E. Ellis, M.P. for Merioneth, at the early age of forty. He died, at Cannes, of brain fever supervening on great weakness caused by a severe attack of...

In a letter to Tuesday's Times the Duke of Rutland

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makes some suggestions that are worth the consideration of the Government. He points out that after Parliament has created some thirty municipalities, with Mayors and Alder- men...

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On Friday, March 31st, a conference was opened at Leeds

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composed of members of local bodies (men and women) who were also either Socialists or belonged to the Labour party. At the first meeting Mr. Sidney Webb, who presided, gave the...

The bulletins from New York are full of a wedding

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to which the local journals give pages of description. The bride- groom is Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, son of the well-known millionaire ; and the bride, Miss Virginia Fair, the...

Mr. Rudyard Kipling, whose recovery we are glad to note

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seems to have no drawbacks, was well enough on Sunday last to write a letter to the American papers, in which he asked to be allowed to " attempt some acknowledgment of the...

The Daily Mail of Thursday states that the Egyptian Government

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has under consideration the making of a railway from Suakin to Kassala, and thence to Khartoum. We trust that they may be able to see their way to sanctioning such a line. The...

On Thursday, at Wolverhampton, Sir Henry Fowler delivered his annual

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address to his constituency. After a generous tribute to the late Mr. Tom Ellis, he dealt with the qUeStion of national finance. We cannot follow_ him in detail, but may note...

Mr. Tchertkoff's article in the Fortnightly, noticed in another column,

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contains a passage on the labour troubles in Russia which is curiously borne out by the Times correspon- dent in St. Petersburg. " The factory workmen of Russia," writes Mr....

Bank Rate, 8 per cent.

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New Consols (21) were on Friday 110.

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MR. GEDGE'S MOTION. I T is most sincerely to be hoped that Mr. Gedge's Motion —to be proposed next Tuesday—which is intended to bind the Government to give no patronage to any...

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- THE LATE MR. ELLIS. T HERE is nothing more curious

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in English politics than the position of a successful Whip. He is as com- pletely unrecognised by the Constitution as the Cabinet is, and is usually paid either as " Patronage...

Page 6

AMERICA AND THE PHILIPPINES. A LL who wish well to the

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new oversew Empire of the United States, and that means all Englishmen but a minute minority, should feel a sense of sincere satis- faction at the proclamation just issued by...

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W E are not much afraid of Socialism becoming triumphant either in Great Britain, America, or Germany. The essential character of a race rarely changes, and the Teuton will...

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WHY FRANCE HATES THE PROTESTANTS. T HE Dreyfus affair, which still

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rests upon Europe like a heavy shadow, possesses the peculiar faculty of un- masking animosities. Whatever be the result of this hideous intrigue, one thing is certain : the...

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T HE wreck of the Stella' is an exceptionally painful incident, not only from the number and quality of the drowned, but because it seems to have been so totally unnecessary....

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LUXURY LN AMERICA. T HERE must be some pleasure in possessing

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a very costly article simply for the costliness of it, or the millionaires of the world would not for the past two thousand years have accumulated such articles. The great Roman...

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CHARACTER& NV HAT is a " character ".1 It is "

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a picture (reall or per- sonall) quaintly drawne, in various colours, all of them heightned by one shadowing," or, to put it still more delicately, a character is "a quicke and...

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M ANY stories are current about the peculiar aPtitude possessed by sailors of taming all sorts of wild creatures that chance to come under their care, most of them having a...

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[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SER„—I notice in the Spectator of April 1st, a propos of wire- less telegraphy, the remark : " If the ether can transmit vibration in a...


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CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVILEGES. [TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Gedge has given notice that he will move a Resolu- tion in the House of Commons memorialising the Crown to...

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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You advocate the partition of the Samoan islands as the only solution of the international difficulty. I think if you realised more...


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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sre,—In the article on "Americanism and the Papacy" in the Spectator of April 1st, the writer states that Cardinal Gibbons in his letter...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR - OP TUE " SPECTAT9H."], SIR,—It is curious that in writing on the important subject of Sir W. B. Richmond's decorations in St. Paul's Cathedral, people do not...


The Spectator

JOHNEEN. SURE he's five months old, an' he's two foot long, Baby Johneen, Watch yerself now, for he's tarrible sthrong, Baby Johneen ! An' his fists 'ill be up if ye make anny...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—As Mr. Sturge seems to have missed the point of my comment on the position of the holy table, will you permit me to say that while, of...

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DEAN SWIFT.* Da. BIRKBECK HILL'S edition of the letters addressed by Swift to Knightley Chetwode is welcome, despite certain faults of proportion and arrangement. By an accident...

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PERSONS interested in India, and that PhraSe includes an ever- growing multitude of the people of this country, : haii been long and impatiently waiting for the history Which...

A STRANGE MISSIONARY.* • TunE has been, we think, no

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biography . since Froudes Thomas Carlyle which 'will arouse so much discussion and- Controversy as this Life of George Borrow, unless, indeed, that George Borrow be . so utterly...

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A FRENen writer has recently called attention to the fact that the theory of development in doctrine, of which we hear so much nowadays from rationalistic writers, was first...

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describes the events of seven weeks, has taken her seven years in the making, and was practically completed three years back, a fact which she does well to mention in a...

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.. THE. MAGAZINES. - . : THE first, and in

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a literary sense much the best, articlein the Contemporary Review is Canon Gore's on " The - English ChUrch Union Declaration." It should be-read by everyone who cares to...

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.Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. LVIIL Edited by Sidney Lee. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 15s.)—This fifty-eighth volume is remarkable for the number of foreign names it con-...

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MISCELLANEOUS.—The April instalments of the Oxford English Dictionary (Clarendon Press,)

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carry on the fourth and fifth volumes, the former from Germano " to " Glass- cloth," the latter 'from "Hod" to " Horizontal." (Vol. IV. is under the special charge of Mr. Henry...

NEW EDITIONS. —The History, of St. Catherine of Siena and her

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Companions. By Augusta Theodosia Drone. 2 vols. (Lon g mana and Co. 15L)—This is a third edition, succeedin g the second at an interval of twelve years. The first appendix...

Shueypingsin. By an Englishman. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co. 3s.

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6d.)—The " Englishman " has been at the pains to give in a reasonable compass a Chinese romance, Haou Kewchuen." The interest lies in the cleverness and courage of a certain...

South Country Trout Streams. By George A. B. Dewar. (Lawrence

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and Bullen. 5s.)—This is a delightful little volume. Trout-fishing is no longer a poor man's amusement, at least in England. Still it may be enjoyed without being a millionaire....


The Spectator

[Under this Heading we notice Such Books of the week as hare not been Merced for review tin other forms.) Glary Queen of Scots. Edited by Robert S. Reit. (D. Nutt. 2s.) This is...

The Development of Cyprus. By Colonel Fyler. (Lund, Humphries, and

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Co.)—Twenty years of British occupation of Cyprus have now been completed—it was on June 28th, 1878, that we assumed the g ove,rnment—and the result has been, on the whole,...

The Average 31474 and other Sermons. By the Rev. W.

The Spectator

Granger. (Alex. Gardner.)—A friend.of Mr. Granger, who died March 1st, 1898, gives a short sketch of his life, character, and theolo g ical position. He was a specimen of the...