20 OCTOBER 1866

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The Emperor of Austria has convoked all the Diets of

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the Empire for the 19th Nov., the Hungarian alone excepted. Cholera is raging in Hungary till the Government is afraid to bring masses of people together for the elections. No...

The Attorney-General, Sir Hugh Cairns, has accepted the Lord Justiceship

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vacant by the resignation of Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, and of course gives up finally his brilliant Parliamentary career. This step, in a man who would certainly have been the...

The Emperor Maximilian has made a speech, in which he

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stated that it was not the practice of the Hapsburgs to flinch when the difficulty was greatest, and he should remain in Mexico. It is reported that he intends to use his entire...

In his speech at the breakfast given to him on

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Wednesday, Mr. Bright made one really original remark. He said that one reason why Scotland sent up so much larger a proportion of Liberal members than England, was to be found...

Church, they may possibly be punished ; but after all,

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the true cure is a scene such as the show of "sacred vestments" recently held at York. There were sandaltiaf velvet, and dilmatick of gold-. coloared silk, and gloves of purple,...

The papers have been filled all the week with tedious

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accounts of a grand reception given by the King and Queen of the Belgians to 1,000 British Volunteers. The reception was very kind, the British carried off many prizes, and...

Mr. Bright's speech at Glasgow on Monday evening was one

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of his most violent and also brilliant efforts, on which we have com- mented elsewhere. He explained that the policy of dissolution had been rejected by Lord Russell because a...


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IJ ERR VON FREIDORF, Minister for Foreign Affairs in Baden, has made a very remarkable statement in the Cham- bers. Just before the war the South German Governments informed the...

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The Queen opened the new waterworks at Aberdeen on the

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16th inst. It is unnecessary to remark that Aberdeen is in Scotland.

The ruinous project of selling the tobacco monopoly enter- tained

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by the Italian Government has been abandoned. S. Scialoja thinks he can do better by pledging the public domains, and will at the end of the current year Still have 4,000,000/....

The half-yearly meeting of the London, Chatham, and Dover Company

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came off on Friday, but was reported too late for our last issue. The members of the Investigation Committee adhered to their view, and of course the implicated parties tried to...

The Hon. E. Harris, British Minister at Berne, has placed

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the Queen in a somewhat undignified position. The Lausanne Gazette published some stupid libel or other about Her Majesty, and Mr. Harris applied to the Swiss Government to...

Affairs in Spain are going on from bad to worse.

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Besides deporting Liberals wholesale, suppressing the press, and threaten- ing to send 5,000 troops to Rome on the departure of the French, Marshal Narvaez has, it is stated,...

A very odd and not very agreeable telegram has been

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received from Vancouver's Island. Mr. M'Clure had announced that the Government of Vancouver's Island intended to petition the Queen for a responsible government, and a...

Ugly facts are coming out about Barned's Bank. It seems

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that when the business was sold to the Company it was yielding no profit, though the promoters declared that the business was a "lucrative one," that there was no examination of...

A terrible outrage has been perpetrated at Sheffield. A man

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named Fearneyhough was twelve months ago a member of the Sawgrinders' Society, but quitted it, and expressed some fear of the society's vengeance. On the 15th inst., a tin can...

What is it which every now and then gives our

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Government so mean an aspect? The Was Office is claiming all kinds of credit for accepting the Snider scheme of converting rifles. Mr. Snider spent eight years of his life over...

We omitted to notice last week the death of Dr.

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Cotton, Bishop of Calcutta, who was drowned in the Elooghly. No particulars of the accident have been received, but the fact is certain, and it has excited very general regret....

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The Pall Mall Gazette of this day week says The

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Spectator accused us last week of having invented blunders for it, in order that we might triumphantly correct them. In its impression of to-day our contemporary confesses to...

Mr. Cardwell made a speech at Oxford on Thursday, but

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he only succeeded sayint nothing in rather impressive language. Mr. Neste and Mr. Henley chaffed the late Ministry with their retirement to Rome to witness the Papal...

Mr. Reuter reported this day week from Constantinople, " There are

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already 30,000 troops of the line in Epirus and Thessaly, and further reinforcements will be sent to those provinces from Schumla. The head - quarters of the Pasha in command...

Mr. Seward is ill enough to render a temporary substitute

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necessary, and his son has been nominated as Secretary pro tempore by Mr. Johnson ; so we suppose Mr. Seward can say of his own family circle, as Artemus Ward says of his,— "...

Mr. Stafford ' s Ministry in New Zealand has been defeated on

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the financial statement. Mr. Stafford had been understood to - promise large reductions in the estimates,—a saving of a quarter of a million,—and when he came to produce them...

The new play produced at the Adelphi this day week,

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called Ethel, or only a Life, and which vv - as at first reported as almost hissed off the stage, has been so much improved by the manager ' s attention to the criticisms passed...

Mr. Solly, on whose extraordinary proposal we commented - last week,

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to prevent profligacy by making all intercourse between man and woman either legal-marriage, or if either party had already contracted the obligation, legal adultery, has ad- -...

Whoever determines what news shall be sent by the Atlantic

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telegraph deserves a whipping for his stupidity, We have never yet heard how the Ohio and other elections, except the Pennsyl- vanian, which took place on the 9th, turned out ;...

The following statement shows the closing prices of the prin.

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oipal Foreign Securities yesterday and on Friday - week Ftiday. 00t 12. 110,14m, Oct. 19. Madam 101 • • 151 Spanish Passive 211 21f Do. Certificates .. „....

The Consol market d ming the week has been tolerably

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firm, and a slight improvement has taken place in the quotations. Yesterday the closing prices for money were 891, ; for account, 89k, The Money market is wellsu.pplied, and...

Friday, 09k 1.1. Frida,y, Oct. 19. .. 221 - •

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• .., am in 00 CO2 .0 1481 • • Mik • P , 44 • f. 8 01 ■ 4 311:31 . w tisk S2 •4 ile r r• "I P4 ' 141 ..4 1211 ■ 4 ifibi .. 122( .., 841 '4 1 9$1 .... 1011 93 ••• 330 VII ga...

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THE IMPEACHMENT OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON. T HE immediate future of the United States depends now on the resolutions at which Mr. Andrew Johnson may within the next few weeks...

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O UR Tory contemporaries profess extreme indignation with Mr. Bright in his Glasgow and other speeches for refusing to recognize that "all parties alike are not only willing to...

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TT is well to appreciate the meaning of Sadowa, not perhaps .1 so well to exaggerate it. Armies built upon principles opposed to the genius of the nation which recruits them...

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I T is very curious to note in the criticism of M. Forcade on Mr. Bright's proceedings in the last number of the Revue des Dear Mondes, how instinctively the highest...

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T HERE is a singular change passing over the relation between capital and politics which deserves more than a passing remark. The capitalists of the world are losing all the...

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S OME of our ecclesiastical contemporaries are sneering at a vestry for taking up the subject of the Athanasian Creed, and request- ing the Bishop to take any steps in his power...


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rpHE latest accomits received' from India are stnnetlaing more than lamentable. They - ire Iliototighly discreditable to the Government of the COuritry, so discreditable that...

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T HE publication in a respectable journal of an open defence of luxury, luxury in its vulgar meaning and including waste- fulness, is an incident of the week worth recording,...

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W E have already seen that the clothing trade prevailed in

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the West Country ; indeed it was once a great manufacturing district. The wool was washed and spun with a distaff at the farmer's own house, the thread then sold in the market...

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[FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] New York, September 28, 1866. THE Legislature of South Carolina has passed an Act declaring the rights of the negro inhabitants of that State,...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Bishopsgate Street, October 15, 1866. Srn,—I was quite aware when I brought forward my resolution at the Bishopsgate Vestry of the sort of...

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MR. FROUDE'S NEW VOLUMES.* IT is probable that these volumes will not be so popular as some of their predecessors. This will not be Mr. Froude's fault, except perhaps that he...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] October 16, 1866. SIR,—In the Life and Correspondence of Archbishop Whately, just issued by Messrs. Longman, accusations of the gravest...

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CAPTAIN CHAWNER has taste and feeling, though few men can have enough to render Goethe, but he has quite too little of that scientific accuracy of touch which that most truthful...

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A/sr incideetal controversy has arisen about this book of a rather odd kind. Two or three critics, or it may be more, but certainly tato or three, have given opinions upon its...

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Tim Natural-HistorySciences havefor some years past been attract- ing upon

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themselves'an increasing amount of public attention, and w.; observe that they have, as branches either of instruction or am asement, established themselves recently within...

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Course. It aims at giving a popular yet accurate view

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of the main principles of the science with which it deals, and preparing the way for the technical or mathematical study. It is intended, like its prede- cessors, mainly for...

Lyrical Thoughts. By the Author of The Polestar of Faith.

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(Edinburgh : Whittaker.)—Our author brings the assistance of a con- siderable command of language and much confusion of metaphor to the C41130 of orthodoxy. The volume is small...

Word Paintings. In Series. (Chapman and Hall.)—It is difficult to

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extract any definite moaning out of this mysterious volume. It seems intended as a warning against seduction, and opium-eating, and sen- suous worship, and the Jesuits. At...

interesting places in Scotland, arranged in alphabetical order. The convenient

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size of the volume and its cheapness constitute, it appears to us, its principal recommendation. It is no doubt accurate enough, as it is edited by a gentleman who has had yeti...

Vol. IV. (Longmans.)—It would be beyond our functions to do

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more than announce the appearance of the fourth and concluding volume of this elaborate work. We believe that the preceding volumes have been favourably received by the...


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Moods. Railway Library. (Routledge.)—The author of the "Orpheus C. Kerr" papers informs us that the favourite hero nowadays with the American lady novelists is a stern and...

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A Concise Glossaq of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian,

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and Gothic Architecture. By J. H. Parker, F.S.A. (J. Parker.)—This well known glossary, which has been before the world for some quarter of a century in three goodly octavos,...

We have also received a Chronological Synopsis of the Four

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Gospels, by H. Grenville (J. R. Smith), a pamphlet designed to show that on u minute critical analysis the writings of the four Evangelista contain no contradictions ;...

The Formation of Christendom. Part I. By T. W. Allies.

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(Long- mans.)—This volume is a first instalment from the lecturer on the philosophy of history in the Catholic University of Ireland. The author has to reconcile two conflicting...

Posthumous Gleaming& from a Country Rector's Study. By the late

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Rev. E. Budge, B.A. Edited by Rev. R. B. Kinsman, MA., Vicar of Tin- lagel. (Rivington.)—The circumstances under which this volume is published exclude the idea of criticism of...